Can Challenge Emily and Amina The Silver Demon
Polar Bottle Because Polar bottles are advertised as insulators we used the bag from a bottle
Plastic Bag Waterproof Would create space between the water and the container Some form of a bag was used by last year’s winners.
Duct tape To cover the container in a material that will stay in place Durable design Ability to keep things together Thought it was a good insulator The former winners used duct tape in their design
Styrofoam Good insulator Light weight Good material to make walls of container Good make it as thick or thin as necessary
Bubble Wrap Easy to obtain Contains air, which is an insulator Easy to put in container as well
Tools Hand Saw Hot Glue Gun Box cutter Sharpie
Procedure of Construction Yes, if you cannot tell, that is a SILVER DEMON
Measured sides on sheets of Styrofoam
Cut Styrofoam with box cutter and saw
Hot glued sides together
Duct taped outside
Put a hole in the lid and attach
Attach plastic bag TADAAA!!!
Design On the outside: The walls are made of Styrofoam Edges hot glued together Duct tape reinforced all around container on the Inside Bubble Wrap around can Can in Polar Bottle Bag Soda Can Polar Bag Bubble Wrap Styrofoam Duct Tape
Bibliography Bottle.jpg Bottle.jpg pg pg