Where we build relationships!
Physical Education Staff… Michael Gibson – RT/PE & Health Madeleine Buck – PE/Health/extended year coordinator Robyn Dubois – PE/Health; Intramural Coordinator; Girls Basketball Coach Edward Hernandez – Physical Education; AlT Deb Levy– Health Teacher; PBIS Coordinator
Physical Education/Health Staff
Our Policies & Procedures… Our Uniform Policy: Red, Black or Grey T-shirt Red or Black shorts Black Sweatpants Grey, Red or Black Sweatshirt Our Uniform Policy: Red, Black or Grey T-shirt Red or Black shorts Black Sweatpants Grey, Red or Black Sweatshirt Loaners… On Mondays ONLY, we have loaner clothing for any child who forgets their clothing.
Other Policies…. There is to be NO… GUM JEWELRY (with the exception of religious affiliated jewelry – parent permission required Sports Drinks (i.e. Gatorade, Powerade, vitamin water) It is recommended that students to bring a water bottle of some sort to PE that they can fill up at the water fountain each day. Medical Excuses/Parent Notes: A parent note only excuses a child from PE for up to 3 days. Anything longer than that, a doctor’s note is required. Parent notes do NOT excuse a child from the mile run each week!
Lockers… Each student receives their own PE locker to keep their belongings in. Here are some suggestions for what your child should have in their locker… DEODORANT!!! (please no aerosol sprays of any kind) Socks Old pair of sneakers Extra set of clothes (these DO NOT have to be RMS gear) Sneakers MUST have laces!!
Fitness is our FOCUS!!!! Your child will go through a series of fitness assessments throughout the year which help give an accurate picture of their overall physical fitness levels. We will be using the FitnessGram program which allows us as educators to send home a Fitness “Report Card” at the end of each quarter so that you may see where your child’s strengths and weaknesses are in their fitness. We test each student at the beginning of the year, and at the end of each marking period. Your child also records their scores in their fitness portfolio.
Students record all of their fitness data in a Fitness portfolio they keep for the entire year. We practice push ups during our daily warm- up. Push Ups are also one of our Fitness Assessments tested quarterly.
Our Fitness Assessments… YOUR CHILD WILL BE TESTED USING THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES: Mile Run – Cardiovascular Endurance The Pacer – Cardiovascular Endurance Push Ups – Upper Body Strength Sit & Reach – Flexibility Curl Ups – Abdominal Strength
Grading Policy… Our Physical Education Grades are broken down into the following categories… Homework Evaluated for Practice and Prep. (10%) Completion of Fitness Portfolios, Daily warm ups, Distance Runs & Quarterly Fitness Testing Physical Education Class assignments (90%) Skill & Tactics Assessments Unit assessments Personal & Social Responsibility Fitness Concept knowledge
Grading Policy for Health… Health Education Assignments (90%) Class assignments, tests, (formative and summative) quizzes, projects Health Homework (10%)
Health Curriculum… MCPS has developed a new Health Curriculum. We will be having an informational meeting regarding all materials taught during 6 th, 7 th, and 8 th grades. The meeting will be held on Wednesday September 14 th in room 202 from 6-645pm. ALL students MUST have a signed parent permission slip allowing them to participate in the Family Life/Human Sexuality unit as well as the HIV/AIDS unit. Letters & permission slips were sent home during the first week of school.
What we cover in PE… It is our goal that each student receives each unit at least once during their middle school career. Our units include: soccer fitness &weight training badminton pickle ball stunts/tumbling wrestling and flag football, just to name a few… Students start each class with a dynamic warm-up and jog to get the blood pumping!
Athletics… Our Athletic teams include: Co-Ed Cross-Country Boys & Girls Softball in the fall, Basketball in the winter, and Soccer in the spring. Only 7 th & 8 th grade students are permitted to try-out for athletics. Any student wishing to try-out for a middle school sport MUST have a physical on file dated within the last 2 calendar years, as well as a parent permission form. All forms are available on the school website. See Ms. Polster if you have any questions.
Intramurals… The intramural program is an extension of our Physical Education program. Intramurals are free & open to all 6 th, 7 th, and 8 th grade student, and all skill levels are welcomed as well. Most intramurals coincide with the physical education units being taught. All intramurals are held Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and/or Thursdays, from 2:50-4:15.
Intramurals cont. Students must have an intramural permission slip on file in order to participate. Permission slips are available tonight for parents to fill out. Permission slips can also be found on the school website, in the main office, or in either locker room. Intramural activities held at various times throughout the year include basketball, flag football, soccer, just to name a few. Students should listen to announcements each day or check the school website for dates and times of upcoming intramurals. Please see Ms. Dubois if you have any questions.
Thank You!!