Writing Friendly Letters
Friendly letters have 5 parts. Heading Greeting Body Closing Signature
Heading comma , Feb. 1, 2007 You should have the month, The heading is the date. comma , You should have the month, day, and year in the top right corner. Put a comma between the day and the year.
Greeting Dear Sam, comma , The greeting starts with the word Dear. Feb. 1, 2007 Dear Sam, comma , Dear Sam, Then write the name of the person who will read your letter. Don’t forget to put a comma at the end!
Body The body is the message you want to tell your reader. Feb. 1, 2007 Dear Sam, Today after school, I went to the park with my dad. We practiced throwing and catching a ball. I like throwing the ball better. But the last time I threw it, it went in the fountain. It made a big splash! We finally got it out. Then dad said it was time to go home. Could you come over and play ball with us sometime? The body is the message you want to tell your reader. You should only indent your first sentence. indent Indent means you are putting a dent in your sentence so that your reader knows where to start.
Closing The closing is the word or phrase Feb. 1, 2007 Dear Sam, Today after school, I went to the park with my dad. We practiced throwing and catching a ball. I like throwing the ball better. But the last time I threw it, it went in the fountain. It made a big splash! We finally got it out. Then dad said it was time to go home. Could you come over and play ball with us sometime? Your friend, The closing is the word or phrase that lets your reader know the letter is almost finished. Some examples of closings are … Sincerely, Your friend, Your student, Truly, Love, The closing starts in the middle of your paper on its own line. The first word starts with a capital and the closing ends with a comma. comma
Signature Jennifer The signature is a fancy word Feb. 1, 2007 Dear Sam, Today after school, I went to the park with my dad. We practiced throwing and catching a ball. I like throwing the ball better. But the last time I threw it, it went in the fountain. It made a big splash! We finally got it out. Then dad said it was time to go home. Could you come over and play ball with us sometime? Your friend, Jennifer The signature is a fancy word for YOUR name. It is the last part of your letter. Put it right under your closing. You don’t need a period or a comma here.
Now it's your turn ... Signature Heading Greeting Dear Mom and Dad, Jul. 31, 2007 Dear Mom and Dad, I’ve been thinking that we should get a puppy. They are cute and cuddly. It would make a good watch dog for us. We promise we will take good care of it. You wouldn’t have to do a thing. Please, Mom? Can we get a puppy? Love, Ashley and Dontae Signature Heading Greeting Closing Body Label the parts of a letter.
The Friendly Letter Song Sung to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell” The closing is sincerely, Hi-ho, the letter parts, The closing is sincerely. The heading is the date, Hi-ho, the letter parts, The heading is the date. The signature is MY name, Hi-ho, the letter parts, The signature is My name. The greeting is the reader’s name, Hi-ho, the letter parts, The greeting is the reader’s name. The body is the message, Hi-ho, the letter parts, The body is the message. http://www.teachersnetwork.org/grantWinners/PowerToLearn_MaryJaneRochford.cfm