Indian and Chinese Empires Chapter 7
Mauryan Empire Chandragupta Maurya Seizes Power in 321 B.C., starts Mauryan Empire Chandragupta defeats Seleucus I; north India united for first time Chandragupta uses taxes to support his large army
Mauryan Empire Chandragupta’s chief adviser is Kautilya, a priest Chandragupta creates bureaucratic government He divides the government to make it easier to rule Asoka—Chandragupta’s grandson, brings the empire to its height After a bloody war with Kalinga, Asoka promotes Buddhism and peace Preaches religious toleration—accepting people of different religions Builds roads, with wells along them Asoka dies in 232 B.C.; kingdoms in central India soon break away
Gupta Empire Chandra Gupta marries into kingship in north India in A.D. 320 Starts Gupta Empire—India’s second empire; flowering of Indian civilization, especially Hindu culture His son Samudra Gupta expands empire with conquest Majority of Indians are farmers; entire family raises crops together Families are patriarchal—headed by the eldest male Farmers have to contribute work to government and pay heavy taxes Some Tamil families are matriarchal—led by mother rather than father
Gupta Empire Height of the Gupta Empire “Golden Age” Chandra Gupta II rules from A.D. 375–415 He defeats the Shakas and adds western coast to empire Gupta Empire sees flourishing of arts, religion, and science After Chandra Gupta II dies, the empire declines
Changes in Hinduism and Buddhism Traditional Hindu and Buddhist Beliefs Hinduism blends Aryan and other beliefs; belief in many gods To Buddhists, desire causes suffering but suffering can be overcome A More Popular Form of Buddhism Belief in bodhisattvas develops—potential Buddhas who save humanity Mahayana sect—Buddhists accepting new doctrines of worship, salvation Theravada sect—Buddhists who follow original teachings of Buddha Wealthy Buddhist merchants build stupas—stone structures over relics
Changes in Hinduism and Buddhism A Hindu Rebirth Hinduism is remote from people by time of Mauryan Empire Hinduism moves toward monotheism; gods part of one divine force Chief gods: Brahma—creator of the world Vishnu—preserver of the world Shiva—destroyer of the world
Indian Culture Astronomy, Mathematics, and Medicine During the Mauryan and Gupta empires, poetry, literature, drama, and dancing flourished Astronomy, Mathematics, and Medicine Ocean trade leads to advances in astronomy Indian astronomers in Gupta Empire prove that world is round Mathematicians develop idea of zero and decimal system Doctors write medical guides and make advances in surgery
Indian Trade Grows India’s Valuable Resources Effects of Indian Trade India has spices, diamonds, precious stones, and good quality wood Trade routes called Silk Roads connect Asia and Europe Indians build trading posts to take advantage of the Silk Roads Indian merchants carry goods to Rome by sea Merchants trade by sea with Africa, Arabia, China, Southeast Asia Effects of Indian Trade Increased trade leads to rise of banking Bankers lend money to merchants, careful of degree of risk Increased trade spreads Indian culture to other places Trade brings Hinduism, Buddhism to other lands
Han Dynasty Liu Bang Founds the Han Dynasty In Qin Dynasty peasants resent high taxes and harsh labor, rebel Liu Bang Founds the Han Dynasty Liu Bang defeats Xiang Yu, a rival for power, and founds Han Dynasty Han Dynasty—begins in 202 B.C., lasts 400 years Han Dynasty has great influence on Chinese people, culture Liu Bang establishes centralized government—a central authority rules Liu Bang lowers taxes and reduces punishments to keep people happy Liu Bang dies in 195 B.C.; wife Lü seizes control of empire Liu Bang’s great-grandson Wudi rules from 141 to 87 B.C. “Martial Emperor” Wudi defeats Xiongnu (nomads) and mountain tribes Colonizes Manchuria, Korea, and as far south as what is now Vietnam Chinese believe their emperor has authority to rule from god Believe prosperity reward of good rule; troubles reveal poor rule Complex bureaucracy runs Han government People pay taxes and supply labor, military service Government uses peasant labor to carry out public projects
Han Dynasty Wudi’s government employs 130,000; bureaucracy of 18 ranks of jobs Civil service jobs—government jobs obtained through examinations Job applicants begin to be tested on knowledge of Confucianism Wudi favors Confucian scholars, builds school to train them Only sons of wealthy can afford expensive schooling Civil service system works well, continues until 1912 Invention of paper in A.D. 105 helps spread education Collar harness, plow, wheelbarrow improve farming As population grows, farming regarded as important activity Government allows monopolies—control by one group over key industries Techniques for producing silk become state secret as profits increase Assimilation—integrating conquered peoples into Chinese culture Most women work in the home and on the farm Some upper-class women are educated, run shops, practice medicine Han dynasty lasts until 220 AD