Purpose: Students will be able to analyze the theme of Catcher in the Rye through reading the lyrics of “Comin’ thro the Rye” by Robert Burns. This will give them added explanation of Holden’s ideals, in particular the fact that his life philosophy is based on a misread poem. It will also expose them to another genre and literature from a different time period and literary style to help hone reading skills and presentational skills through discussion.
Step 1: Go over last night’s reading assignment with the following questions: • RT—Whom does Holden go see in the middle of the night? What do they talk about? What question does Holden have a hard time answering? What is his answer finally? • T&S—What is Holden’s relationship like with his sister? What about his father? • T&S—How did Holden feel about the gift that Phoebe gave him? • RT—What is Phyllis Marqulies teaching Phoebe? Step 2: Then read together the poem “Comin’ thro the Rye” by Robert Burns. This is a very difficult poem to understand because of its language, so footnotes are necessary for certain words. The website to listen to it:
Comin Thro the Rye O, Jenny's a' weet, poor body, Jenny's seldom dry: The thing's a body's ain. She draigl't a' her petticoatie, Comin thro' the rye! MINI GLOSSARY Comin thro' the rye, poor body, Comin thro' the rye, a' weet = all wet draigl't a' her petticoatie = dragged her petticoats Gin a body meet a body Gin a body = If somebody Gin a body kiss a body, n the warl' ken? = need the whole world know? Need a body cry? The thing's a body's ain = it's nobody else's business Comin thro' the glen, Need the warl' ken? Comin thro' the grain;
Step 3: Students will follow along, then read through it on their own and write for a few minutes about what it means to them.
Step 4: Next, students will get into groups of 4-5 and discuss their interpretations as they begin answering the following questions: • OMO—Why does Salinger throw in the belching lessons at the end of Holden and Phoebe’s conversation? How is this reflected in Holden’s interpretation of the poem? • AAM—“If a body meet a body…if a body kiss a body”—What does Burns mean when he says meet? Why is it important that the world not know— what does Burns suggest about the nature of love? • OMO—In your opinion, how does secrecy affect a relationship? Does it help or hinder growth? • RT—What does Holden think the poem says? • T&S—In his interpretation, what is happening in the rye fields? Where is he in relation to what’s going on? What purpose does he serve? • OMO—How does the word change affect the meaning? • AAM—What does Holden’s interpretation suggest about his personality and life goals? Also, what does it suggest about his behavior in school? • OMO—Has anything in your life (event or something you’ve read, seen, or heard) had a profound impact on your personality? How so? Step 5: After about 15 minutes I’ll bring the class back together to share answers to the last two questions.
Step 5: After about 15 minutes I’ll bring the class back together to share answers to the last two questions. Assessment: Have students fill out an exit slip with the question: Which of the questions today intrigued you the most? How did you answer it? Why was it so important to you?