Microbiology Part 1 -- Microbiology & Immunology Pare 2 -- Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Text Book Pharmaceutical Microbiology By Hugo W.B.& Russell A.D. 6th edition (1998) Blackwell Science
Part 2 pharmaceutical Microbiology ## introduction to pharmaceutical Microbiology ## biology of microbes (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites), with their Pathogenicity ## recombinant DNA technology
## antibiotics & synthetic antimicrobial agents with the mechanism of their action & the clinical uses of antimicrobial agents. ## dynamics of disinfection, antiseptics, & evaluation of preservatives ## microbial spoilage ## preservation of pharmaceutical products ## sterility control of pharmaceutical products
First exam. = 20 marks Second exam. = 20 marks Quiz & reports = 20 marks Final exam. = 40 marks Total = 100 marks
Introduction Pharmaceutical Microbiology ## is one of the many facts of applied Microbiology === aspects of Microbiology in Pharmacy industry
Pharmaceutical Microbiology Is a part of Microbiology which has a special bearing on Pharmacy in all its aspects. It ranges from the manufacture & quality control of Pharmaceutical products in general to an understanding of the mode of action of antibiotics Drug safety
Modern Pharmaceutical Microbiology developed after World War II , with the introduction of the production of antibiotics All antibiotics were originally the products of microbial metabolism &/or microbial fermentation
Streptomyces hygroscopius ** has different strains that make 200 different antibiotics Antibiotics are made industrially by inoculating a solution of growth medium with bacteria or mold-----after the antibiotic reaches a satisfactory concentration –it is extracted & precipitated with standard industrial procedures
Vaccines are a products of industrial Microbiology Steroids are a very important chemicals that include cortisone = which used as an anti-inflammatory drug Estrogens & progesterone = used in oral contraceptives Microorganisms can synthesize steroids from sterols or from related compounds
Most of amino acids used in medicine & foods are produced by bacteria = lysine Corynebacterium glutamicum produce == Lysine & glutamic acid Aspergillus niger === citric acid Enzymes & Vitamins used in medicines & food are produced by bacteria
Scope of Microbiology The role of Microorganisms in the production of antibiotics & other pharmaceutical products Antibiotics = are substances produced by microorganisms (bacteria & fungi) and are capable of inhibiting the growth of other microorganisms Bacteriostatics = inhibit the growth of bacteria Bactericidal = kill the bacteria
Scope of Microbiology Alexander Flaming (1928) Penicillin ===== Penicillium notatum
List of some bacteria which produce antibiotics Name of bacteria Name of antibiotic Streptomyces aureofaciens Tetracycline Streptomyces venezuelae Chloramphenicol Streptomyces rimosus Oxytetracycline Streptomyces erythraeus Erythromycin Streptomyces fradiae Neomycin Streptomyces kanamyceteus kanamycin Streptomyces griseus Streptomycin Bacillus subtillis bacitracin
List of some fungi which produce antibiotics Name of fungi Name of antibiotic Penicillium notatum Penicillin Penicillium chrysogenum Claviceps purpurea Ergot Penicillium griseofulvum Griseofulvin
Scope of Microbiology In alcohol industry = yeast is used in the fermentation of carbohydrate to produce alcohol C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + energy glucose ethyl alcohol Clostridium acetobutylicum== manufacture of butyl alcohol yeast
Scope of Microbiology In vinegar industry= the production of vinegar (acetic acid) takes place with the help of bacterial actions in two steps First step C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + energy glucose ethyl alcohol yeast
Second step – aerobic bacteria oxidize the alcohol into acetic acid Acetobactor aceti & Mycoderm aceti C2H5OH + O2 CH3COOH + H2O Ethyl alcohol acetic acid Acetobacter
Scope of Microbiology Vitamin production Vitamins obtained from bacteria: Riboflavins - B2 = Clostridium butylicum Cobalamins - B12= Pseudomonas denitrificans Vitamins A,C,D,& E are mostly found in algae Fungi (yeast) have high content of vit.B1,B12,& C
Scope of Microbiology Production of Acids & Enzymes Name of acid or enzyme Name of microorganism Citric acid Mucor Amylase Aspergillus oryzae Protease Bacillus subtilis Invertase Saccharomyces cerevisiae Streptokinase Streptococcus pyrogens
Scope of Microbiology Used in cosmetics & perfumes Some species of lichens (= combination of green algae & fungus – rocks & trees) are used to make perfumery goods & soaps Carrageenin is extracted from sea weeds and used in the manufacture of ice cream, paints, & shampoo
Scope of Microbiology Used in Baking industry Yeast is used in the manufacture of bread Starch sugars alcohol + CO2 bread becomes spongy & light weight yeast zymase
Scope of Microbiology Used in the production of dairy products All milk products are manufactured from bacterial activity Name of product Name of bacteria Cheese Lactobacillus lactis Yoghurt Lactobacillus vulgaricus Curd Streptococcus lactis Butter Butter milk Streptococcus lactis & streptococcus cremoris
Scope of Microbiology Used in agriculture or soil fertility Nitrogen is an essential for the synthesis of protein, nucleic acids & other nitrogen containing compounds Plants take nitrogen in the form of nitrates Nitrogen fixation is done by many organisms
Scope of Microbiology Used as food Many algae produce agar-agar (=a jelly-like substance) used in the manufacture of ice cream Some seaweeds contains a lot of iodine which is an important mineral in the thyroid gland Food for cattle & domestic animals