Welcome to Kindergarten
Essential Information Arrival Time: 7:25 (Late bell rings at 7:45) You may walk your child to the class ON THE FIRST DAY. However, we are asking that your child use his/her regular transportation mode after Tuesday. “A quick good-bye makes for dry eyes.” Wear name tag the 1 st and 2 nd week of school.
Transportation Your child’s binder will contain a monthly transportation calendar. Please fill this out for every day of the week. I will check this daily. All transportation changes must be written on the transportation calendar. changes will not be accepted. All checkouts must be made before 1:30. The following dismissal options are available: Bus Rider, Car Rider, or Afterschool Program.
Transportation After School Program enrollment information is located in the cafeteria. Bus Information is located in you “Take” packet. Your child can bring a water bottle on the bus. Please make sure you establish a consistent mode of transportation for your child beginning Tuesday.
Snack – Lunch - Ice Cream Please provide your child with one healthy snack each day. Clearly label the snack with your child’s name. No candy or sugary snacks please. Lunch is $2.10. An account can be set up through Meal Pay to pay online. Meal Pay can be found on Liberty’s website.Meal Pay Ice cream costs $1.00. To avoid confusion, please make sure your child’s ice cream money is separate from his/her lunch money. Exact change is required for ice cream. Specific days will be given to purchase ice cream.
Student Binder All notes and money should be put in the pocket of the folder. Please label all money. Transportation changes should be listed on the monthly transportation calendar. Please check and clean out your child’s binder each day. The binder should be brought to school daily.
Specials & Recess Specials are from 9:00-9:45. I will be sending home our schedule as soon as possible. We offer PE, Music, Art, and Counseling. On the days your class has PE, tennis shoes are required. We also encourage your child to wear tennis shoes to school on a regular basis due to the wood chips on the playground. We are active all day and moving about the classroom, and tennis shoes are the safest shoes to wear.
Parent Volunteers Sign up today to volunteer. Sign up sheet is located in your packet. It is important to be involved in your child’s learning process, and volunteering is a great way to stay connected. We would love for you to come in a help out in our classroom. This can be done in a variety of ways. Please ask me about it today.
Please note… Newsletters and other communication will be through . Please make sure I have your correct address.
Thank you!!! Please make sure to leave your packet on the kidney table. Make sure I know how your child is getting home next week. Don’t forget to check out our Giving Tree! I am so excited to be your child’s teacher this year.