World History Early Civilizations in the East Chapter
TRUE or FALSE? A subcontinent is a large piece of land that is somewhat smaller than a continent.
TRUE or FALSE? The two most important rivers in India are the Khyber and the Ganges. The two most important rivers in India are the Khyber and the Ganges. Khyber is the name of a mountain pass, the rivers are the INDUS and the GANGES
TRUE or FALSE? A pass is an open place in a mountain.
TRUE or FALSE? Archaeologists know that the people of the Indus River Valley had a written language because they found tablets with pictograms on them.
TRUE or FALSE? The Vedas contains the religious beliefs and legends of the ancient Indians.
TRUE or FALSE? A cycle is a class of people in India. A caste is a class of people in India.
TRUE or FALSE? The Indian religion that stresses the belief in the Vedas is Hinduism..
TRUE or FALSE? In ancient times, China was isolated from the rest of the world because of its geography.
TRUE or FALSE? The Chinese built the Grand Canal to connect the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers.
TRUE or FALSE? A dynasty is a family that rules a country over a long period of time.
The Hindus believe they are born and reborn. cultures dynasties castes characters
In ancient times, a person who could read and write was called a silt caste monsoon scribe
_________ is a picture symbol found in a type of early writing. pictogram tablet hymn caste
The _______ is the longest and most important river in China. Yellow Sanskrit Yangtze Ganges
The Chinese built the _______ to keep out nomadic invaders. Yellow River Great Wall Grand Canal Khyber Pass
Vedas reincarnation canal artisan “China’s Sorrow” A waterway made by humans The Yellow River Means “books of knowledge” The rebirth of the soul into a new body A person who makes beautiful objects Match each item
peninsula fertile transport districts noble To move from one place to another A person of high birth Land surrounded by water on three sides Able to grow crops What city planners divided their cities into Match each item
What kept China isolated during ancient times? Farmersgeography Hinduismjademonsoons Pictogramsscribes Siltsocietyworship YangtzeYellow geography
What religion includes the belief in reincarnation? Farmersgeography Hinduismjademonsoons Pictogramsscribes Siltsocietyworship YangtzeYellow Hinduism
What are the seasonal winds that blow over the Indian Ocean? Farmersgeography Hinduismjademonsoons Pictogramsscribes Siltsocietyworship YangtzeYellow monsoons
After a flood, what is the rich layer of soil left behind called? Farmersgeography Hinduismjademonsoons Pictogramsscribes Siltsocietyworship YangtzeYellow silt
Archaeologists have discovered clay tablets in the Indus River Valley with what on them? Farmersgeography Hinduismjademonsoons Pictogramsscribes Siltsocietyworship YangtzeYellow pictograms
What were most of the common people in China? Farmersgeography Hinduismjademonsoons Pictogramsscribes Siltsocietyworship YangtzeYellow farmers
What is the name of the precious green stone which artisans used for carving? Farmersgeography Hinduismjademonsoons Pictogramsscribes Siltsocietyworship YangtzeYellow jade
What is the name for a group of people whose members live together for the good of all? Farmersgeography Hinduismjademonsoons Pictogramsscribes Siltsocietyworship YangtzeYellow society
In ancient times, who could read and write? Farmersgeography Hinduismjademonsoons Pictogramsscribes Siltsocietyworship YangtzeYellow scribes
What is the name of the one of the two most important rivers in China? Farmersgeography Hinduismjademonsoons Pictogramsscribes Siltsocietyworship YangtzeYellow Yellow or Yangtze