Latinos Native Americans WomenCountercultureOdds and Ends
CATEGORY QUESTION He used nonviolent means to organize Latinos
CATEGORY ANSWER Who was Cesar Chavez?
CATEGORY QUESTION This is the Latino nickname based on cultural pride
CATEGORY ANSWER What is Chicano?
CATEGORY QUESTION The United Farm Workers Organizing Committee (UFWOC) set up boycotts on this product
CATEGORY ANSWER What are grapes?
CATEGORY QUESTION This group fielded Latino candidates for elected office
CATEGORY ANSWER What is La Raza Unida?
CATEGORY QUESTION The Latino population grew from 3 million to this in the 1960s
CATEGORY ANSWER What is 9 million?
CATEGORY QUESTION Native Americans refused to do this (adopt American culture)
CATEGORY ANSWER What is assimilate?
CATEGORY QUESTION This Native American Organization sometimes used radical actions
CATEGORY ANSWER What is AIM (American Indian Movement)?
CATEGORY QUESTION This was the location of the massacre of Native Americans
CATEGORY ANSWER What is Wounded Knee?
CATEGORY QUESTION This group were the poorest, had the most unemployment, and most health problems of any other
CATEGORY ANSWER Who were the Native Americans?
CATEGORY QUESTION This is the location that AIM occupied to protest for change
CATEGORY ANSWER What was the Bureau of Indian Affairs?
CATEGORY QUESTION This is the belief that men and women should have economic, political, and social equality
CATEGORY ANSWER What is Feminism?
CATEGORY QUESTION This was the Supreme Court case that made it legal to have an abortion in the first trimester
CATEGORY ANSWER What is Roe v. Wade
CATEGORY QUESTION She was the founder of Ms. Magazine
CATEGORY ANSWER Who is Gloria Steinem?
CATEGORY QUESTION These groups allowed women to get together to discuss issues
CATEGORY ANSWER What were consciousness-raising groups?
CATEGORY QUESTION Betty Friedan wrote this popular book that discussed women’s dissatisfaction
CATEGORY ANSWER What was the Feminine Mystique?
CATEGORY QUESTION The culture where one believes in something different than that of the majority of society
CATEGORY ANSWER What is Counterculture?
CATEGORY QUESTION This is the most influential band of the 1960s who made rock mainstream
CATEGORY ANSWER Who are the Beatles?
CATEGORY QUESTION This was the popular rock festival in 1969
CATEGORY ANSWER What was Woodstock?
CATEGORY QUESTION He was the most famous artist of the Pop Art Movement
CATEGORY ANSWER Who was Andy Warhol?
CATEGORY QUESTION This became the capital of the Hippie Movement
CATEGORY ANSWER What is Haight-Ashbury?
CATEGORY QUESTION This group fought for day-care centers
CATEGORY ANSWER Who is NOW (National Organization for Women)?
CATEGORY QUESTION She opposed the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
CATEGORY ANSWER Who was Phyllis Schalfly?
CATEGORY QUESTION This was the name for the communities made by the Hippies
CATEGORY ANSWER What was commune?
CATEGORY QUESTION This group made up the Hippie movement
CATEGORY ANSWER Who were the white middle-class youth?
CATEGORY QUESTION This is the name for the Conservative “pro- family” movement
CATEGORY ANSWER What is The New Right?
FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION He was one of the most important leaders of AIM
FINAL JEOPARDY ANSWER Who was Russell Means?