Matching Gifts Processing Matching gifts in SCT Banner Mary Rader Matching Gift Coordinator Lehigh University
Overview of Topics Setting up a new matching gift company Foundations paying company matching gifts Retiree companies with different rules Alums and spouses and matching gifts payments Paperwork Suggestions from a beginner Questions and Answers
Setting Up a New matching Gift Company Use APAIDEN or the AOAORGN form Generate new ID Number Click on bottom of screen for Non-Person name information Type in name of company and save Add address Add category-foundation, corporation etc Type of business if known-engineering, bank, Etc Add SICC number
Setting Up a New matching Gift Company, continued Information will then show up in APAEHIS when cross referenced with the employee Click on matching gift information, AOAMTCH. This screen is where you add the ratio for the companys gift giving. 1:1 is 100%, 2:1 is 200%, etc. You should always include the minimum and maximum amounts, how gifts are paid Monthly, quarterly, annually, etc
Setting up a new matching gift company, Continued Click on matching gift information, AOAMTCH - Minimum, Maximum amts. Match percent, save, next block Filling in information is these pages, confirm rules of company, allocations will follow Information found in HEP or CASE Books Update as needed with comments
Companies with Foundations Same directions as with new companies Set up foundation as new company Cross reference to itself, then company to foundation. Information and payments will go on foundation record
Retirees and Different rules Company changes policy of matching gifts to retirees Set up new company with retired added IBM retired Set up ratio in AOAORGN & AOAMTCH Cross reference all employees that are retired to new company Exceptions: Exxonmobil vs. Mobil retirees
Alums, Spouses and Matching Gifts Check with company rules Match spouses gifts Set up cross referencing codes for spouse working for company (Lehigh uses EMR-alum, ESR for spouse) Gift on alum record - match on alum record Easier to find when match arrives with spouse name Both alums have both employers on each record
Paperwork-Necessary Evil Set up a routine Double check donors APAEHIS Copy forms if possible Allocation slips MG acknowledgement letters Online verification companies Back - up, Back – up, Back - up
Suggestions from a beginner Multiply matching gift payments Call companies with questions KPMG & like companies Donor forgets form Postcards Check memo credit Cross reference employees and companies
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