Center of Excellence for Airport Technology A Partnership in Research and Outreach with the O’Hare Modernization Program David Lange University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign July 20, 2006
UIUC team Faculty and Staff David Lange, Director Ed Herricks, Lead Faculty Bill Buttlar, Lead Faculty Marshall Thompson Jeff Roesler Erol Tutumluer Leslie Struble John Popovics Imad Al-Qadi Bruce Branham Barry Dempsey Sam Carpenter S. P. Shah, NU Minosca Alcantara, Outreach Eve Earles, Chicago Outreach Vicki Dixon, Administration Ongoing Students Francis Nelson III Cristian Gaedicke Amanda Kiser Yi-Shi Liu Hyunwook Kim Chang Joon Lee Shihui Shen Amy Marcinkevage Jamie Rose Phillip Donovan Matt D’Ambrosia Ben Birch Amanda Bordelon Completed Students Rob Rodden (MS) Salvador Villalobos (MS) Zach Grasley (PhD) Harkanwal S. Brar (PhD) Tongyan Pan (PhD) David Ey, NU (MS) Summer Students Jamila Beale - SROP Victor Cervantes - SROP Sandra Correa Jan Moritz - IAESTE
Our Mission is… To develop new scientific knowledge and technology for the development, maintenance and operation of airports –“Improve ability to make good decisions” How do we do this? –By conducting research in cooperation with government, industry and the private sector Who do we impact? –Enriching the engineering community through technology transfer –Educating a diverse student population –Leading the public to appreciate its investment in airport infrastructure.
OMP, FAA and UIUC in partnership OMPFAA Common technical goals Complementary outreach Leveraged effort Enhanced visibility
Our FAA partner Our FAA sponsor is at Wm J. Hughes Technical Center, Atlantic City, NJ –AIRPORT TECHNOLOGY R & D BRANCH –Contacts: Pat Watts, Director of COE Programs Satish Agrawal, Branch Manager David Brill, FAA COE Program Manager
Pavement Research Program –Implementation of Damage Approach in Airport Asphalt Pavement Design Methodologies, PI: S. Carpenter –Analysis of NAPTF Trafficking Dynamic Response Data for Pavement Deformation Behavior, PI: E. Tutumluer –Moisture Curling and Corner Cracking of Concrete Slabs: Parametric Study Using ICON software, PI: D. Lange –Evaluative Study of Non-FWD Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation (NDTE) Technologies for Airport Pavement Maintenance and Acceptance Activities, Co-PIs: J. Popovics and I. Al-Qadi –Alternative Fatigue Cracking Modes on Airfield Rigid Pavements, PI: J. Roesler –Contribution of Aircraft Gear Loads to Reflection Cracking in Airport Asphalt Overlays, PI: W. Buttlar Wildlife Research Program –Bird Strike Advisory System, PI: Ed Herricks Outreach Program –Summer COE Internship Program for Minority Graduate Students FAA -- FY2006 Program
OMP Program Sub-grade Support and Stabilization (’05-‘06 Tech Project) –Tutumluer/ Thompson [OMP Contact: Ross Anderson] Materials/Potassium Acetate on ASR (’05 -’06 Tech Project) –Struble [OMP Contact: Michael Vonic] PCC Mix Designs (’05-‘06 Tech Project) –Roesler /Lange [OMP Contact: Ross Anderson] Field Validation of Constructed Subgrade and Pavement (’06 Tech Project) –Popovics [OMP Contact: Ross Anderson] Reflective Cracking and Grooving of Asphalt Overlays (’06 Tech Project) – Buttlar / Al-Qadi [OMP Contact: Dave Peshkin] Aggregate Testing (’06 Tech Project) –Tutumluer [OMP Contact: Ross Anderson] Airport Wildlife Safety Management (’06 Tech Project) –Herricks/Branham [OMP Contact: Larry Martin] Outreach Program – Minosca Alcantara/David Lange [OMP Contact: Joe Depa/ Larry Martin] Potential Frost Problems in Pavement Components for O’Hare – Barry Dempsey
Benefits to OMP in 2005/6 Illuminate technical issues… improve decisions! Subgrade stabilization study contributed to decisions that avoided additional test sections, saving money. Improved specification language for lime modification and lime stabilization, providing for improved construction quality and reduced potential for weather-related construction delays. Improved specification language to achieve longer pavement service life with more durable aggregates. Improved specification language to reduce shrinkage cracking potential. 23 Tech Notes covering wide range of issues Value engineering exercise (May 19, 2006) for concrete paving, with potential to save money on the 9L-27R new north runway Ongoing study of soil and turfgrass will develop improved decisions that will save money
Mid-Year Program Review Our goals for today: –Report progress –Improve connections of projects to OMP activities –Discuss future needs that can be addressed in 2007 research program
Agenda 12:30 pmIntroduction and CEAT Program Overview – David Lange 12:45 pm OMP Program Overview – Chris Arman, OMP Deputy Director 1:00 pmSub-grade Support and Stabilization (’05-‘06 Tech Project) – Erol Tutumluer/ Marshall Thompson [OMP Contact: Ross Anderson] 1:30 pm Materials/Potassium Acetate on ASR (’05 -’06 Tech Project) – Leslie Struble [OMP Contact: Michael Vonic] 2:00 pm Field Validation of Constructed Pavement (’06 Tech Project) – John Popovics [OMP Contact: Ross Anderson] 2:30 pm PCC Mix Designs (’05-‘06 Tech Project) – Jeff Roesler/ David Lange [OMP Contact: Ross Anderson] 3:00 pm Reflective Cracking and Grooving of Asphalt Overlays (’06 Tech Project) – Bill Buttlar/Imad Al-Qadi/Hyunwook Kim-RA [OMP Contact: Dave Peshkin] 3:30 pm Airport Wildlife Safety Mgmt (’06 Tech Project) – Bruce Branham/Ed Herricks [OMP Contact: Larry Martin] 4:00 pm Aggregate Testing (’06 Tech Project) – Erol Tutumluer [OMP Contact: Ross Anderson] 4:30 pm Potential Frost Problems in Pavement Components for O’Hare (’06 Tech Project) – Barry Dempsey 4:40 pmOutreach Program – David Lange/Minosca Alcantara [OMP Contact: Larry Martin] 5:00 pm Discussion and Action Items 5:30 pm Adjourn