Making the FUPLOAD Process Work Darrell MARTIN Tuesday October 28, 2003 Morning Session 1 PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Introduction Review of the 5.4 Enhancement Discuss why the Wilkes Uni changes Show how to set up and use this new functionality Thanks to Gary Houck, SCT In this session I will: review the Banner Finance 5.4 enhancement that provided the FUPLOAD functionality discuss why it didn’t work and why Wilkes University decided to enhance the baseline process show you how to set up Banner Finance to make use of this enhancement walk you through how to process a journal from Excel to Banner I want to especially thank my colleague, Gary Houck, from SCT who allowed me to use his presentation material from Summit 2003 on this topic as the basis for this presentation today. How many here were at Gary’s presentation at Summit? PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Topics of Discussion History and Overview Set Up Processing WFUPLOAD Firstly, I want to give you a bit of an overview of how this enhancement came about. How many here have FUPLOAD baseline version working at their institution? we’ll look at why it is not very useful we’ll also look at what Wilkes Uni decided to do to make it useful Then we will go through what is necessary to setup Banner Finance to be able to use the process and walk you through the process. I have sample spreadsheet formats and sample data that has been used successfully for some months at Wilkes. - Happy to make all documentation available to you. PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
History Developed in conjunction with the University of Illinois Referred to in release guide as ‘Internal Vendor Order Processing’ Enhanced by Wilkes University to be more generally usable for any Journal data Enhancement funded by Uni of Illinois for a specific issue they had - Wanted to show in Banner purchases from internal vendors, so the Internal Vendor Order Processing job was created. The Uni design called for a fixed length file format Using Excel to create the file was not Uni of Illinois design After it was built, the process appeared to be widely applicable for use in Excel to create the input file. I don’t know of anyone who has done so successfully without LOTS of manual manipulation to make it fit. The process has three limiting factors stopping widespread use: 1. based on fixed field Excel spreadsheet format, difficult to create in Excel and even more difficult to interface into Banner; 2. record layouts for the different record types were not compatible in their field layouts for a fixed length file layout, which made it very difficult to construct using Excel; and, 3. omitted key fields that are required for some types of journals (eg Budget journals). PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Wilkes’ Changes Minor Record Layout adjustment Excel CSV input file format to WFUPLOAD Five additional fields were added to allow for Budget Journals, Accrual Period processing and NSF checking 1. Baseline record layouts have been adjusted in a very minor way. It only required the Rule Code field to be moved in record 2 format to make all four record layouts compatible for use in Excel without having to split fields of data. 2. The Excel spreadsheet format was changed to be comma separated values (csv) to facilitate easy recognition by the upload process. 3. The upload program was modified to receive input from a csv formatted file rather than the more restrictive fixed length format. 4. The upload program was further modified to add fields to the end of the detail record layout to enable this process to be used for most journal types (normal journals, budget journals and accrual period journals and to override budget available checking if required). PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Overview Create Excel data file and save in CSV Optional unique document numbering Optional Text record/s FTP file to Banner accessible directory Run WFUPLOAD to load GURFEED PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Set Up Need to create a new FTMSDAT record (pg 55 of Release 5.4 notes) Entity/Usage code = FGBTRNI Attribute code = SYSTEM_ID Option Code 1 = JVUPLOAD (Wilkes’ system code used) Effective Date = as desired Description/Title = as desired Short Title = as desired Data Field = 1st character is D for detail or S for summary postings 2nd character is R for reject or S for Suspend PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Set Up This Step is optional but we chose to use JS as a prefix for our unique document coding for our Spreadsheet Journals. The System ID is what was set up in the FTMSDAT record for your journal upload process. You can chose not to use this facility and allocate document numbers manually. In that case you would have to enter the document number on each record in the spreadsheet. It is possible to have more than one System_ID for this process, although I’m not sure why you would want to. However, you will need to specify and entry for each System_ID used if you use this option. PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Set Up Populating the Parameter Value Validation Form (GJAPVAL) is optional. If you chose to do so and have allocated multiple System_ID for the upload process, you will also need to specify ALL valid system_Ids here in this form. You will also need to know the directory where the file needs to be placed. Typically for our users we use their unique Banner jobsub directories. This directory will be where the submitter will transfer the file to Banner for input to the WFUPLOAD process. PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Processing Create a comma separated formatted file of data – Needs: Header record Detail record Summary record Text records – Optional Save formatted file in pre-defined directory as a .csv file PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Spreadsheet Requirements Can use only the following items COA, Index, FOAPAL Doc Reference number Encumbrance Num, item, sequence, action Encumbrance type must be “L” Any rule class Transaction description – 35 spaces Document Code is optional PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Spreadsheet Requirements Must be in format specified in my Guide Notes (slightly altered to release notes) Save as a .CSV file Do NOT have row or column headings in CSV file or any blank rows (only shown in sample file as a guide) May reference a General Encumbrance for liquidation PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Processing WFUPLOAD Our first step is to create the Excel Spreadsheet. Here you see part of an example of the normal journals using JE15 or FT01 Rule Codes. Explain the columns of data for 4 record types. NB no formatting allowed so amounts are in cents with no decimal point and no commas. No commas in the description field or csv format will provide a column break. PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Processing WFUPLOAD The second half of the columns in the spreadsheet… The additional columns we added to the baseline product to make it more usable were: Budget Period (or you could use it for budget journals) Accrual Indicator (for use with EOY journals) NSF indicator (to override any NSF checking if desired) Deposit # (just for the heck of it) Commitment Type (for those who might be using this field.) PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Processing WFUPLOAD This is an example of a budget journal Any questions so far? PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Processing WFUPLOAD Here’s the second part of the Budget Journal. You can mix as many different journal types as you like in the one upload process. In practice we tend to just use it individually. PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Processing It is a very helpful tool for bulk liquidation of POs. Here’s the first part of two journals. PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Processing Here’s the second part of the PO liquidation Journals. PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Processing (cont.) Run FTP, or some other local process to copy the saved CSV Excel file from the submitter’s PC to the Banner jobsub directory. You need to save the Excel file in CSV format. Make sure if you used formulas that you have eliminated them before saving or they will not be accepted by WFUPLOAD. This is a sensitive part of the process. If there is anything slightly out in the formatting in the spreadsheet it will be rejected by WFUPLOAD. Beware FOPAL codes beginning with leading zero/s. Once you move your file across to the Banner computer you’re ready to run the process. PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Processing (cont.) Run WFUPLOAD – Finance Upload to GURFEED Process - PARMS: System ID – Req. Location – Req. (Directory/Path) File Name – Req. Run Mode – Audit/Update At last you are ready to go to Banner and do the upload. It may seem involved but the whole process operates very quickly once you have done a couple of journals … PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Processing (cont.) WFUPLOAD System ID is whatever you specified in FTMSDAT set up Location is where the Banner job submission process can access to pick up the file. File name is whatever you saved it as. Run mode: Recommend always use Audit first to fix any errors. PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Processing (cont.) WFUPLOAD will: Assign doc num from FOMFSEQ if not in file Check for duplicate Doc numbers Check for Gen Encumb. Document Check for valid FOAPAL, Rule Class, Rename file if it is properly processed Populate GURFEED and GURTEXT WFUPLOAD will: Assign doc num from FOMFSEQ if not in file Check for duplicate Doc numbers Check for Gen Encumb. Document Check for valid FOAPAL, Rule Class, Rename file if it is properly processed Populate GURFEED and GURTEXT Once you upload you document in Update mode, WFUPLOAD will not let you upload that same document again. This safeguards you from forgetting you ran the process and trying to run it again on the same file. If you are liquidating POs and the PO is already closed, the process will show an error on the transaction. PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Processing (cont.) WFUPLOAD A new report called GURDETL – Document Detail Report – was introduced with this enhancement. This is a neat report that print detail transactions in GURFEED by document. It is not specific to the WFUPLOAD process and will work on ALL GURFEED documents. You simply specify your document code and it will show you the transactions like the example here. PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Processing (cont.) WFUPLOAD A new process called GUPDELT – Document Code Delete Process – was also introduced with this enhancement. This process is also very useful. It allows you to delete specific documents from GURFEED. Be careful who you give access to this process though. It is not specific to the WFUPLOAD process and will work on ALL GURFEED documents. You simply specify your document code and it will delete the document from the GURFEED table, like shown in the example here. PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Processing (cont.) Proceed as usual: Fix errors on FGAJVCD or FGAJVCQ FURFEED FGRTRNI FGRTRNR Fix errors on FGAJVCD or FGAJVCQ Note: if JV option is checked for FA auto update GURFEED entries to a FA Expense will update Fixed Assets (same as a JV) PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Summary General Spreadsheet load to GURFEED Use Excel CSV format Save/FTP file to directory for WFUPLOAD GURFEED now has header text capability for any internal interface GURFEED reporting and deleting capabilities PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Questions and Answers Any Questions? WFUPLOAD If time permits, discuss Wilkes Budget processes. PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD
Finance Systems Analyst Thank You! Darrell Martin Finance Systems Analyst If you want the source code and instructions, please hand me your business card / email address PA BUG, OCT 28,2003 WFUPLOAD