10 th Anniversary Oracle Database and Application Server Packs
General Announcements: Please turn off all cell phones/pagers If you must leave the session early, please do so as discreetly as possible Please avoid side conversations during the session Questions will be answered ….. Thank you for your cooperation
Indiana University of Pennsylvania 14,638 Students 100,000+ Alumni 1,650 Employees Over 100 Majors 40 Masters Programs 8 Doctoral Programs 3 Campuses/1 Center
Agenda Review Oracle at IUP Discuss GRID Control Open discussion on Oracle DB tools
IUP Banner Banner Environment Implemented Version 8x 5 base modules, 3 self-service DBMS, FSAatlas Dell Linux and Dell Windows servers Hundreds of custom-built enhancements Heavy use of 3-party products (parking, facilities, ID card, Judicial, etc.
IUP Banner Modules Student Advancement Accounts Receivable Financial Aid Housing Finance, HR, and Position Control – combination of SAP and Banner Banner Document Management System Related Self-Service products
IUP non-Banner Oracle solutions Banner Production, Development, Physical Standby Data Warehouses FAMIS Utility databases Portal Utility OAS Server(s) 20+ SQL Server databases
IUP Technology Oracle Databases – enterprise license (10g and 11g) Banner – 10g; Data Warehouses – 11g Oracle Application Servers – enterprise license (10g) Oracle Portal – Java/JSP; Discoverer
IUP Tools DBA – GRID, RMAN, Linux, cron, Developers – PL/SQL, ProC, Discoverer, Java,.NET, SQL Developer, APEX Technology Services – Intermapper, Equilogic, VMware, Legato backup
GRID Control Background (pre-GRID) Why GRID? Job Scheduling Administration Patch application Tuning and Diagnostics Proactive vs. Reactive Performance Packs SQL Server plug-in Still learning…..
Review Oracle iSeminar Show Oracle presentation
Open discussion and Q&A How many using GRID? Challenges with GRID? Successes with GRID? Performance Packs (DB and OAS)? Other tools to manage DB and OAS? Managing O/S and HW from GRID?
Contact information Jeff Montgomery Indiana University of Pennsylvania Thanks to Bob Zeolla from Oracle