The Orphan Challenge A focus on caring for orphans witha view to a World Without Orphans
Story of an orphan Andrew Sixteen Was born without hands. Abandoned after his birth. Lives in an orphanage. Has an ability to paint. Wants to become an artist. Has no future.
There are 153 000 000 children, who have lost one of their parents or have been abandoned by them or separated from them. It would take us 145 years to get to know stories of all of them even if we give as little as 30 second for each. Orphan Nation
The Map of Global Orphan Challenge Top ten countries by absolute number of orphans: Country # of orphans India 31 000 000 China 20 600 000 Nigeria 12 000 000 Bangladesh 4 800 000 Ethiopia 4 800 000 Indonesia 4 700 000 Congo 4 200 000 Pakistan 4200 000 Brazil 3 700 000 South Africa 3 400 000
Orphan Challenge is about: Understanding God’s heart for the orphan. God is “Father of the fatherless…” and He “sets the solitary in families.” (Psalm 68.5–6).
Orphan Challenge is about: Accepting His clear mandate from Scripture for the Church to care for them. “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction...” James 1:27. Giving every child the opportunity to grow in a loving and caring family and to know his Heavenly Father.
Orphan Challenge is about: Dealing with the root causes of orphanhood and preventing children from becoming orphans. Believing that we could not only address the orphan challenge but bring closure to this escalating crisis. It is about believing in a WORLD WITHOUT ORPHANS
The needs We need to inform the Body of Christ and its leaders about the problems faced by orphaned children and the potential ways they can contribute to devising effective solutions. We need to mobilize the Christian community: establish, promote, and sustain national, regional, and global networks. We need to equip: provide opportunities for Christians to fully understand the special needs of orphaned children and the best resources and strategies to serve them.
The outcomes (a draft) by 2020 The global Body of Christ is aware of orphan challenge and developed an effective strategy of addressing it on local, national and global levels. Twenty four national movements are initiated and supported by majority of Christian churches in the country. Paradigm shift from orphanage-based to family-based strategies occurred.
A Story of Transformation