Pennsylvania BANNER Users Group 2006 NCATE Assessments John Tabor University of Scranton
General Announcements: Please turn off all cell phones/pagers If you must leave the session early, please do so as discreetly as possible Please avoid side conversations during the session Questions will be answered at the end of the session Thank you for your cooperation
NCATE National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
NCATE NCATE is the profession's mechanism to help establish high quality teacher preparation. Through the process of professional accreditation of colleges and departments of education, NCATE assesses the quality of teaching and teacher preparation. NCATE's performance-based system of accreditation fosters competent classroom teachers and other educators who work to improve the education for students
Why did the U. develop this program? The Education Department of the University of Scranton had the need to bring together the many data elements in Banner in order to facilitate the process of managing data associated with the Teacher Certification process and then use that data to better assess their programs. As a result, a year long process began where a team of individuals from several departments met to define specifications and eventually developed the system shown at this presentation. The departments participating in this project were CPS (The Education Department and the Accreditation Specialist), SSR ( the programming staff) and AIRO (The Planning Office).
Overview Basic Forms Assessment Roles Data Collection Reporting Maintenance Security
Basic Forms (completed by faculty) PDE430 E-Portfolio Final Student Teacher Evaluation
Assessment Roles Faculty Assessment Coordinator Additional Roles
Data Collection Faculty Graduate Mentor Basic Program Director Grad Program Director Field Director Chair
Reports ECIS Report Aggregate Reports Field Placement Diversity Report Program Completers Report Dispositions Report GPA/Grade Report Status Summary Report Exception Reports
Maintenance Education Program Maintenance Validation Tables Master Data Entry Form Load Summary Data Assign Roles
Program Code Undergraduate – Major Code Graduate – Enterable Code (validation table)
Program Types Initial Undergraduate Advanced Graduate Initial Graduate
Program Components Checkpoints Standards Assessments
Validation Tables
Master Data Entry Form Allows Assessment Coordinator to enter data that would otherwise need to be entered by several different persons
Load Summary Data Batch Process that summarizes Assessment Data so that it can be viewed online quickly
Security Students can view their own data (Web for Students) Faculty can enter and view data for their own students Access to reports controlled by user class Some reports require value based security Assessment Coordinator has access to everything
Pennsylvania BANNER Users Group 2006 Open Floor for Other Questions?
Pennsylvania BANNER Users Group 2006 Have a great day!