2/13/2014Bucknell University1 Health Care Issues BOF Cindy Bilger,
2/13/2014Bucknell University2 Summary of Bucknells 2006 Renewal Current Trends in Plan Cost Health Care Plan Increases PPO increased 5.7% for 2006 HMO increased 9.9% for 2006 Retiree Medicare Supplement decreased 3.1% Rx Plan Increases Combined plan for actives & retirees increased 8.4%, however - Medicare Part D resulted in a 6.3% decrease
2/13/2014Bucknell University3 Renewals at other schools Discussion of 2006 renewals at other schools
2/13/2014Bucknell University4 Employee Cost Sharing Strategies % of premium % of salary Flat amount Salary ranges Single coverage in basic plan with buy up options Other ideas
2/13/2014Bucknell University5 Strategies to hold down employer costs Increase employee cost share Add/increase deductibles Add/increase coinsurance Change providers Change plan design Other ideas
2/13/2014Bucknell University6 Using Banner to Calculate Deductions Sharing of methods used in Banner to calculate employee and employer deduction amounts. For example, at Bucknell, we use PTRPREM, PXACALC, a deduction code for employee amount and a deduction code for employer amount.
2/13/2014Bucknell University7 High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP) Who has them? How are they working? Are you providing an employer contribution? What amount? Lessons Learned?
2/13/2014Bucknell University8 Health Saving Accounts (HSA) Who has them? How are they working? Amount of employer contribution? Lessons Learned?
2/13/2014Bucknell University9 Wellness Initiatives What is everyone doing in this area? Disease management EAPs Health Risk Appraisals Financial Incentives Programs provided by Medical Plans Programs developed on campus Other models/ideas
2/13/2014Bucknell University10 Medicare Part D Employer Options: Do nothing, retirees enroll in Part D Keep current plan and apply for subsidy Employer sponsored group Part D plan
2/13/2014Bucknell University11 Emeriti Any current participants? Future plans? Any Lessons Learned?
2/13/2014Bucknell University12 History of Health Care Costs Health Spending v. GDP,
2/13/2014Bucknell University13 Current State of Affairs Third-Party payment continues to grow
2/13/2014Bucknell University14 Private Sector Actions Implement HSAs, HRAs, FSAs Defined Contribution, Individual Choice Physician Refuseniks Hospital Price Transparency Medical Globalization Individual Market Improvements Information, Patient Support
2/13/2014Bucknell University15 Governmental Actions Pending Expand FSA Rollovers or Cash-Out Employer Rebate for HSA Deposits Tax Credits/Deductions – Individual Market Continue Rolling Back Regulations Association Health Plans/CHOICE Act Cap Employer Exclusion Malpractice Reform
2/13/2014Bucknell University16 The New Paradigm Empower the Patient Balance insurance and direct pay Restore Patient/Physician relationship Personal and portable Web-enabled information Agency – accountable to consumer Ability to merge resources
2/13/2014Bucknell University17 Reference for slides Greg Scandlen Consumers for Health Care Choices