The $100,000 Pyramid
How to Play the Game! Arrange the teams so that the player giving the clues sees the board. Reveal the category one at a time. The player has 30 seconds to guess the answer once the category has been described.
Definitions – 10,000 Names of Characters – 20,000 Shakespeare – 35,000 Synonyms – 50,000 Family Ties – 75,000 Give it Meaning! – 100,000
Synonyms Family Ties Give it Meaning! Shakespeare Names Of Characters Definitions
Describe for your partner in 30 seconds or less what each of these definitions are. Definitions
1. A division of an act into smaller parts. 2. A long speech spoken by a character to himself, to another character, or to the audience. 3. A conversation between two or more characters. 4. A division in a play.
Synonyms Family Ties Give it Meaning! Shakespeare Names of Characters Definitions
Names of Characters Describe each character in 30 seconds or less.
Names of Characters The names of the two rivaling families The name of the woman who Romeo wishes to see at the Capulet party The name of who agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet because he hopes it will bring an end to the families fighting. The name of the man who started a fight with Romeo first.
Synonyms Family Ties Give it Meaning! Shakespeare Names of Characters Definitions
Shakespeare Describe in 30 seconds or less facts about William Shakespeare.
Shakespeare 1. How many acts in a Shakespearean play. 2. The name of the town in which William Shakespeare was born. 3. What the play Romeo and Juliet was based on. 4. The names of the two teenagers in love.
Synonyms Family Ties Give it Meaning! ShakespeareNames of Characters Definitions
Synonyms Give the synonym in 30 seconds or less of the following words.
Synonyms 1. Abhor 2. Discord 3. Vengeance 4. Banishment
Synonyms Family Ties Give it Meaning! Shakespeare Names of Characters Definitions
Family Ties Describe in 30 seconds or less from which family each of these characters came.
Family Ties 1. Romeo 2. Juliet 3. Benvolio 4. Tybalt
Synonyms Family Ties Give it Meaning! Shakespeare Names Of Characters Definitions
Give it Meaning In 30 seconds or less give each line meaning.
Give it Meaning 1. O Romeo, Romeo! 2. Wherefore art thou Romeo? 3. Deny thy father and refuse thy name; 4. Or, if thou wilt not, be sworn my love, and I’ll no longer be a Capulet.
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