Pennsylvania BANNER Users Group 2006 Instance Neutral Cloning Script Robin Ying Imperial Valley College
2 General Announcements: Please turn off all cell phones/pagers If you must leave the session early, please do so as discreetly as possible Please avoid side conversations during the session Questions will be answered at the end of the session Thank you for your cooperation
3 Background Our Environment: – Users want to have their exclusive cloned databases – AR, FA, FIN, HR, STU. – Adding the TEST, PPRD, CURR, TRNG, and IVC (production), there are 10 instances. – Using the opportunity of conversion from Version 6 to Version 7 to clean up the code. – Having failed history due to production database parameter changes.
4 Goals of Refactoring Allow only one place to make code changes. – Simplifies maintenance when the parameter of the production database changes Avoid any hard-coded path names. Avoid any hard-coded instance names. Not affecting the baseline, maintaining the directory structure and hierarchy. – Easy to carry forward Refactoring Result – separating the old code into an incidence independent (generic) part and a calling part.
5 Walk through the code... 3 # CLONE.shl -- generic clone script, no hard-coded pathnames. 5 # Usage: CLONE.shl $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 6 #$1: oracle_sid of clone 7 #$2: backup dir of the source dataabase (e.g. /u04/backups/IVC) 8 #$3: dest dir of the clone database (e.g. /u02/oradata/$ORACLE_SID) 9 #$4: command dir of the clone database (e.g. /u01/app/oracle/admin/$ORACLE_SID/scripts) 10 #$5: oracle_sid of production instance (e.g. IVC) 11 #$6: archive directory (e.g. /logs/archive) 13 #Run this script as oracle (i.e. "su oracle") 19 set -e 20 [ $# != 6 ] && { echo "Usage: $0 oracle_sid source_dir dest_dir cmd_dir"; exit 1; } 21 [ $1 = $5 ] && { echo "$5 is the production instance!!"; exit 1; } 6 parameters Error checking
6 Walk through the code ORACLE_SID=$1# command line overrides env setting 24 BACKUPDIR=$2 25 DESTDIR=$3 26 CMDDIR=$4 27 PROD=$5 28 ARCHDIR=$6 29 PATH=/usr/local/oracle/bin:/bin 30 oraenv=/usr/local/bin/oraenv_local 31 export PATH ORACLE_SID 36 /bin/grep $ORACLE_SID $oraenv > /dev/null 37 [ $? = 0 ] || { echo "$ORACLE_SID is not a valid ORACLE_SID"; exit 1; } 39 # /bin/grep $PROD $oraenv > /dev/null 40 # [ $? = 0 ] || { echo "$PROD is not a valid ORACLE_SID"; exit 1; } 42 [ -d $ARCHDIR ] || { echo "$ARCHDIR does not exits"; exit 1; } 43 [ -d $BACKUPDIR ] || { echo "$BACKUPDIR does not exits"; exit 1; } 44 [ -d $CMDDIR ] || { echo "$CMDDIR does not exits"; exit 1; } 45 [ -d $DESTDIR ] || { echo "$DESTDIR does not exits"; exit 1; } Error checking
7 Walk through the code # Get a clean shutdown of the database to avoid temp file problems. 50 sqlplus /nolog << EOF 51 connect /as sysdba 52 shutdown abort 53 startup restrict 54 shutdown immediate 55 EOF 57 # cleanup old files to avoid write/overwrite errors 58 rm -f $DESTDIR/* 60 # copy all files from the BACKUPDIR 61 for f in $BACKUPDIR/* 62 do 63echo "-- copying $f to $DESTDIR..." 64cp -rp $f $DESTDIR 65 done 67 # copy the archive files 68 echo "-- copying archive files to $DESTDIR..." 69 find $ARCHDIR -name "*.arc" -mtime -3 -exec cp -rp {} $DESTDIR \;
8 Walk through the code # Rename files 72 echo "-- rename files in $DESTDIR..." 73 for f in $DESTDIR/*${PROD}* 74 do 75mv $f `echo $f | sed "s/$PROD/$ORACLE_SID/"` 76 done 78 # generate the sql script for recreating the control file 79 # modify here if the control files are changed. 80 tmpf=$DESTDIR/create_${ORACLE_SID}_ctlfile.sql 82 echo "STARTUP NOMOUNT 118 '$DESTDIR/${ORACLE_SID}_xdb_01.dbf' 119 CHARACTER SET WE8ISO8859P1;" > $tmpf Keep the parameters in one place only
9 Walk through the code # run the sql script 122 echo "-- recreating control files..." 123 sqlplus /nolog << EOF 124 connect /as sysdba 126 EOF 128 # apply all of the archive files in the BACKUPDIR to bring the database up to last good file 129 # and clean up the archive files 130 for f in $DESTDIR/*.arc 131 do 132echo "-- applying archive file $f..." 133sqlplus /nolog << EOF 134connect / as sysdba 135recover database using backup controlfile until cancel; 136$f 137cancel 138 EOF 139 done 140 rm $DESTDIR/*.arc
10 Walk through the code # generate the sql script for opening up the database and configure for the 143 # clone instance. modify here if needed. 144 tmpf=/tmp/after_${ORACLE_SID}_clone.sql 145 pls=/pls/`echo $ORACLE_SID | dd conv=lcase` 2> /dev/null 147 echo "ALTER TABLESPACE TEMP ADD TEMPFILE '$DESTDIR/${ORACLE_SID}_temp_01.dbf' 148 SIZE REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT MAXSIZE 2000M; Update ae_paths table for Xtender UPDATE OTGMGR.AE_PATHS SET PATH='E:\IMAGES\$ORACLE_SID\FT_PATH' WHERE PATHID=4;" > $tmpf Keep the parameters in one place only
11 Calling Script 6 SID=FA# set the oracle_sid 8 BACKUPDIR=/u04/backups/IVC# backup of the production database 9 ARCHIVEDIR=/logs/archives # archive directory 11 DESTDIR=/u02/oradata/$SID# directory of FA database 12 CMDDIR=/u01/app/oracle/admin/$SID/scripts # directory of FA clone commands 23 sh CLONE.shl $SID $BACKUPDIR $DESTDIR $CMDDIR IVC $ARCHIVEDIR >> ${SID}_clone_$$.log 2>&1 6 parameters
12 PABUG 2006
Pennsylvania BANNER Users Group 2006 Have a great day! Robin Ying Imperial Valley College