Computer Assisted Laboratory Experiments in Mechanics Roman Kezerashvili New York City Technical College The City University of New York
The presentation will provide a brief overview of the 15 computer-based experiments in kinematics, dynamics, vibrations, and oscillations normally studied in college and university physics. The experiments have been designed so that each exercise deals with a single important principle of physics and increases student knowledge and understanding of computer modeling. The experiments involve the use of standard equipment. Procedures are standardized as much as possible so that the students will be able to perform the experiments after instructions are presented in the first meeting of the laboratory. With the integration of the computer into the laboratory, data collection is simplified, requiring less time to perform an experiment and allowing students to devote more time in the laboratory to an understanding of the fundamental physical concepts being investigated.
Instantaneous Velocity and Uniform Accelerated Motion in One Dimension Investigation of the relationship between instantaneous velocity and average velocity and the determination of an instantaneous velocity from a series of average velocities. Determination of the acceleration of a body and verification the kinematic equations for uniformly accelerated motion. This experiment is performed with the Air Track apparatus.
Instantaneous Velocity and Uniform Accelerated Motion in One Dimension
Acceleration Due to Gravity. Free Fall Verification that the displacement of a freely falling object from the rest is directly proportional to the square of the elapsed free fall time and this time does not depend on the mass of the falling object. Determination of an experimental value for g, the acceleration due to gravity.
Acceleration Due to Gravity. Free Fall
Newton’s Second Law An experimental test of Newton's second Law and demonstration that the acceleration of the system is proportional to the magnitude of the net force and inversely proportional to the mass of the system.
Newton’s Second Law
Application of Newton’s Second Law: The Atwood’s Machine An Atwood’s machine is used to accomplish the following objectives: to measure the acceleration of the system of two masses and demonstrate that it is directly proportional to the magnitude of the unbalanced force. Determine a frictional force that acts on the system.
Application of Newton’s Second Law: The Atwood’s Machine
Verification of the Work-Energy Theorem Determination of a coefficient of kinetic friction and verification of the work- energy theorem on an incline plane.
Verification of the Work-Energy Theorem
Conservation of Mechanical Energy. The Force of Gravity Determination of the kinetic and gravitational potential energy of a body and an experimental test of the principle of conservation of mechanical energy in the gravitational field of the earth.
Conservation of Mechanical Energy. The Force of Gravity
Determination of the kinetic and gravitational potential energy of a freely falling body and an experimental test of the principle of conservation of mechanical energy for the force of gravity.
Conservation of Mechanical Energy. The Force of Gravity
Conservation of Mechanical Energy. The Spring Force Measurement of the force constant of a spring. Determination of the kinetic energy and the potential energy of the glider when the spring force acts and an experimental test of the principle of conservation of mechanical energy for the spring force.
Conservation of Mechanical Energy. The Spring Force
Conservation of Linear Momentum A study of an elastic and inelastic collision in one dimension. Verification of the principles of conservation of linear momentum and conservation of energy in an elastic collision and the principle of conservation of linear momentum in an inelastic collision.
Conservation of Linear Momentum
The Ballistic Pendulum Verification of the principles of conservation of the linear momentum and mechanical energy. Determination of the kinetic energy loss in the collision of the ball with the pendulum.
The Ballistic Pendulum
A study of the properties of a simple pendulum. Investigation of the dependence of the period on the length, the angle and the mass of the simple pendulum. Determination of the acceleration due to gravity. The Simple Pendulum
The Physical Pendulum A study of the properties of a physical pendulum. Investigation of the dependence of the period on the moment of inertia and the mass of the physical pendulum. Determination of the moment of inertia and acceleration due to gravity.
The Physical Pendulum
Simple Harmonic Motion A study of simple harmonic motion by investigating the period of oscillation of a spring. Determination of the force constant of the spring for one spring and two springs in series.
Simple Harmonic Motion
Torsion Pendulum and Determination of the Moment of Inertia of an Irregular Object Measurement of the period of oscillation of a torsion pendulum and determination of the moment of inertia of an irregular object and the torsion constant of a wire. Determination of the moment of inertia of a solid cylinder and a solid sphere.
Torsion Pendulum and Determination of the Moment of Inertia of an Irregular Object