Pennsylvania BANNER Users Group 2007 TFAMISC – Miscellaneous Transaction Form
General Announcements: Please turn off all cell phones/pagers If you must leave the session early, please do so as discreetly as possible Please avoid side conversations during the session Questions will be answered at the end of the session Thank you for your cooperation
Dickinson College Approx. 2,300 students attend Dickinson College Approx. 2,100 students reside on campus while the remaining 200 attend campuses abroad Bill monthly with student bookstore, health center and dining services charges Use Tuition Management Systems for the following: Monthly Payment Plans Credit Card, ACH, Virtual Check payments Utilize both the Finance and Student/AR modules Went live with the Finance module July 2005 and Student/AR module June 2006
Why We Use TFAMISC Reimbursements under $100.00 Travel advances under $100.00 Cashing checks for employees and students under $100.00 Student Organizations are required to have their accounts through the College Deposits to Program Accounts Reversal of Deposits (First Year and Global Education Program)
Set up for TFAMISC In order to use TFAMISC the Finance Module must be implemented We set up the detail codes with both the A and B accounts being the same FOAPAL – for TFAMISC only That way when the detail code is used it can be either a debit or a credit on the form TFAMISC The miscellaneous detail code is the only code that is checked as being GL Enterable when set up on TSADETC
TFAMISC Miscellaneous Transactions While on the Organization field, use the Search feature to select an organization code from the Organization Code list.
Detail Codes used for TFAMISC
Processing Transactions When the Cashier receives miscellaneous payments to be deposited into a program account, the cash account is debited and the program account is credited. Or when funds are withdrawn from a program account for a specific purpose, the program account is debited and the cash account is credited. We use detail code 456 and 555. The Bookstore and Dining Services credits and debits are input through TFAMISC daily. We’ve built specific detail codes for more efficient keying of entries.
Processing Transactions con’t. The Cashier reconciles the cash drawer and the TFAMISC session daily. Access TGACREV to find what the total is for the cash account. This total is to match the Cashier’s ending balance sheet (combination of total checks received, total cash received, minus the Imprest amount of the safe.) Once the session is reconciled the Cashier will close and reconcile the session using TGACREV to close the session; TGACSPV to finalize the session and TGRCSHR to reconcile the session and print the report. The TGRFEED (feed to finance) will process the information to the general ledger.
Balancing Worksheet
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