June 2012, v.1
President Obama’s national wireless initiative has a goal of ensuring that nearly all Americans (98%) have access to high speed (4G) services within five years. Let us make sure that our citizens are on the leading edge of taking advantage of all of the opportunities broadband offers, whether at home, on the go or on the phone. PRESIDENT’S BROADBRAND VISION
Make broadband service more affordable for more American homes through more market competition. Provide better broadband speed for data intensive applications.
COMMUNITY ANCHOR INSTITUTIONS A Community Anchor Institution (CAI) is a respected safe location where community members gather for a variety of purposes. Libraries Community Centers Fire Halls Schools Churches
BROADBAND BASICS What is Broadband? It is high speed Internet. It makes it possible for computer users to get online much more quickly and once there, access information at much greater speeds than dial-up connections. Why Do I Care? Reliable Internet service is rapidly becoming a necessity rather than a luxury in today’s wired world.
TYPES OF BROADBAND Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) delivered over phone lines. Cable Internet Service most readily available for Broadband speeds. Fiber (FIOS) delivered via fiber optic cables to premise. WiFi wireless internet, not a service. WiMAX special wireless Internet. 3G, 4G cellular connectivity.
WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL? E-Government Services Online Banking/Bill-Pay Smart Meters Access to Information Regional Tourism Mobile Workplace TeleHealth/Medicine Job Applications Interactive Community Source:
BROADBAND in the HOME Delaware Internet Providers Atlantic Broadband, Comcast Cable, Mediacom Delaware, and Verizon Delaware Major Cellular Providers AT&T Corporation Wireless, Cavalier Telephone LLC, Sprint Nextel Corporation, T-Mobile USA Inc., and Verizon Wireless Satellite and Others Directv, Dish Network, HughesNet, and WildBlue Communications, Inc.
ESTIMATED AVERAGE COSTS in DELAWARE Comcast Cable economy plan $ 39.95/month. Mediacom lowest cost plan $ 27.95/month. Verizon high speed Internet $ 39.99/month. Directv/Dish Network $20-30/month. Cellular Data Plans Verizon Wireless/Tmobile/AT&T all average $ 30/month.
ELIMINATING the DIGITAL DIVIDE Access to high speed Internet for all citizens is as important to future success as access to traditional infrastructures like transportation and utilities. Equal access strengthens our state and nation socially and economically.
The CASE for BROADBAND Our nation struggles with a significant digital divide particularly for rural families and families making less than $ 20,000 per year. 67% of urban/suburban homes subscribe to Broadband compared to 46% of rural homes. 88% of Americans earning more than $ 100,000 have Broadband, only 35% of those earning less than $ 20,000 subscribe.
DELAWARE is SERVED WHEN COMMUNITIES are CONNECTED High speed Internet access is critical to the success of people and communities. Only equal affordable access to Broadband levels the playing field so all citizens have equal opportunities. Cost of equipment, Internet service and lack of digital awareness are greatest barriers to statewide Broadband adoption.
EDUCATION Students from Delmar to Northeast Wilmington deserve the same access to the wide range of educational experiences available via the Internet. Geographic and economic issues that prevent a rural or inner-city child from visiting a museum or national park can disappear when a school has Broadband.
BROADBAND is IMPORTANT to BUSINESS Delaware businesses are in need of faster internet connections. The internet provider sector model cannot support rural areas, low income regions, and needs to be pro-active in high-speed development. In this economy, in these tough times, can Delaware really afford to fall behind?
ECONOMIC GROWTH and JOBS Access to high speed Internet has proven to fuel economic growth and job creation. Strong Broadband presence is critical to attracting and retaining businesses.
WHAT’S STOPPING US FROM ADOPTION? Where do you see Delaware? Which represent you? Your friends? Family? Neighbors? A NATIONAL LOOK
DELAWARE BROADBAND WEBSITE Check out the Broadband Map Take the DE Internet Speed Test Information gathered will help the state assess internet needs and remain confidential
DELAWARE BROADBAND WEBSITE Submit comments on inaccurate information Are other service providers available? Are some mapped service providers not available? Does the map give the appearance that you have service in your area when you do not? features a Contact Us page where you can submit comments online. Your feedback is the best way to improve the map and improve services!
EMPLOYMENT TRAINING and JOB RESOURCES Department of Labor Job Resource Centers Delaware Technical and Community College Campuses and Programs Delaware Libraries Goodwill Job Resource Centers
DELAWARE.gov The source for all types of government information and services. Easy to use. Available 24/7.
DELAWARE’S GOVERNMENT SERVING YOU ONLINE File Your Taxes Buy a State Park pass Apply for Social Services File and unemployment claim Pay a traffic ticket Search and apply for jobs Get a business license
WAYS to SAVE MONEY and MINUTES Comcast Essentials Program Low cost high speed Internet service for any family who has children that are eligible for free lunches under the national school lunch program. $ 9.95 per month, no activation or equipment rental fees.
HOW YOU CAN HELP REDUCE the DIGITAL DIVIDE? Each social interaction is a chance to share your knowledge. There are a number of ways to share this presentation with the people in your community.
THE PATH FORWARD High speed internet access provides opportunities for employment, education, cost savings and entertainment. Free or affordable high speed internet access is available to all Delawareans and it is our charge to help our friends and neighbors become aware of the resources available through libraries, schools, job centers and other venues that offer free computer use and/or WiFi. Let us make sure that our citizens are on the leading edge of taking advantage of all of the opportunities broadband offers, whether at home, on the go or on the phone.