Learning Human Pose and Motion Models for Animation Aaron Hertzmann University of Toronto
Animation is maturing … … but it’s still hard to create
Keyframe animation
q1q1 q2q2 q3q3 q (t)
Characters are very complex Woody: facial controls controls in his body
Motion capture [Images from NYU and UW]
Motion capture
Mocap is not a panacea
Problem Animation is very time-consuming Fine for big studios Problem for:
Goal: model human motion What motions are likely? Applications: Computer animation Computer vision
Related work: physical models Accurate, in principle Too complex to work with (but see [Liu, Hertzmann, Popović 2005]) Computationally expensive
Related work: motion graphs Input: raw motion capture “Motion graph” (slide from J. Lee)
Approach: statistical models of motions Learn a PDF over motions, and synthesize from this PDF [Brand and Hertzmann 1999] What PDF do we use?
Style-Based Inverse Kinematics with: Keith Grochow, Steve Martin, Zoran Popović
Body parameterization Pose at time t : q t Root pos./orientation (6 DOFs) Joint angles (29 DOFs) Motion X = [ q 1, …, q T ]
Forward kinematics Pose to 3D positions: qtqt [x i,y i,z i ] t FK
Problem Statement Generate a character pose based on a chosen style subject to constraints Constraints Degrees of freedom (DOFs) q
Real-time Pose Synthesis Off-Line Learning Approach Motion Learning Style Synthesis Pose Constraints
Style Representation Objective function –given a pose evaluate how well it matches a style –allow any pose Probability Distribution Function (PDF) –principled way of automatically learning the style
y(q) = q orientation(q) velocity(q) [ q 0 q 1 q 2 …… r 0 r 1 r 2 v 0 v 1 v 2 … ] Features
Goals for the PDF Learn PDF from any data Smooth and descriptive Minimal parameter tuning Real-time synthesis
GPLVM y1y1 y2y2 y3y3 x1x1 x2x2 Latent Space Feature Space Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model [Lawrence 2004] GP -1 x ~ N (0,I) y ~ GP(x; ) Learning: arg max p(X, | Y) = arg max p(Y | X, ) p(X)
Scaled Outputs Different DOFs have different “importances” Solution: RBF kernel function k(x,x’) k i (x,x’) = k(x,x’)/w i 2 Equivalently: learn x Wy where W = diag(w 1, w 2, … w D )
Style Learning y1y1 y2y2 y3y3 x1x1 x2x2
Precision in Latent Space 2 (x)
Pose Synthesis y1y1 y2y2 y3y3 x1x1 x2x2 arg min x,q p(y(q),x|X,Y, ) s.t. C(q) = 0
Pose Synthesis arg min x,q p(y(q),x|X,Y, ) s.t. C(q) = 0 Constraints Degrees of freedom (DOFs) q
SGPLVM Objective Function y1y1 y2y2 y3y3 x1x1 x2x2
Baseball Pitch
Track Start
Jump Shot
The Active Set All training dataActive set data Training Data
Annealing Original Style High Variance Medium Variance Original Style
Style interpolation Given two styles 1 and 2, can we “interpolate” them? Approach: interpolate in log-domain
Style interpolation (1-s)s
Style interpolation in log space (1-s) s
Interactive Posing
Multiple motion style
Realtime Motion Capture
Style Interpolation
Trajectory Keyframing
Posing from an Image
Modeling motion GPLVM doesn’t model motions Velocity features are a hack How do we model and learn dynamics?
Gaussian Process Dynamical Models with: David Fleet, Jack Wang
Dynamical models x t+1 xtxt
Hidden Markov Model (HMM) Linear Dynamical Systems (LDS) [van Overschee et al ‘94; Doretto et al ‘01] Switching LDS [Ghahramani and Hinton ’98; Pavlovic et al ‘00; Li et al ‘02] Nonlinear Dynamical Systems [e.g., Ghahramani and Roweis ‘00] Dynamical models
Gaussian Process Dynamical Model (GPDM) Marginalize out, and then optimize the latent positions to simultaneously minimize pose reconstruction error and (dynamic) prediction error on training data. pose reconstruction latent dynamics Latent dynamical model : Assume IID Gaussian noise, and with Gaussian priors on and
Reconstruction where contains the th -dimension of each training pose is a kernel matrix with entries for kernel function (with hyperparameters ) scales different pose dimensions The data likelihood for the reconstruction mapping, given centered inputs has the form:
Reconstruction The data likelihood for the reconstruction mapping, given centered inputs has the form: where is a kernel matrix with entries for kernel function (with hyperparameters ) scales different pose dimensions
Dynamics The latent dynamic process on has a similar form: where is a kernel matrix defined by kernel function with hyperparameters
Subspace dynamical model : Markov Property Remark: Conditioned on, the dynamical model is 1 st -order Markov, but the marginalization introduces longer temporal dependence.
Learning To estimate the latent coordinates & kernel parameters we minimize with respect to and. GPDM posterior: reconstruction likelihood priorsdynamics likelihood training motions hyperparameterslatent trajectories
Motion Capture Data ~2.5 gait cycles (157 frames)Learned latent coordinates (1st-order prediction, RBF kernel) 56 joint angles + 3 global translational velocity + 3 global orientation from CMU motion capture database
3D GPLVM Latent Coordinates large “jumps’ in latent space
Reconstruction Variance Volume visualization of. (1 st -order prediction, RBF kernel)
Motion Simulation Animation of mean motion (200 step sequence) initial state Random trajectories from MCMC (~1 gait cycle, 60 steps)
Simulation: 1 st -Order Mean Prediction Red: 200 steps of mean prediction Green: 60-step MCMC mean Animation
Linear Kernel Dynamics Animation 200 steps of mean prediction
Missing Data 50 of 147 frames dropped (almost a full gait cycle) spline interpolation
Missing Data: RBF Dynamics
Missing Data: Linear Dynamics
Determining hyperparameters GPDMNeil’s parametersMCEM Data: six distinct walkers
Where do we go from here? Let’s look at some limitations of the model 60 Hz120 Hz
What do we want? Phase Variation x1x1 x2x2 A walk cycle
Branching motions WalkRun
Stylistic variation
Current work: manifold GPs Latent space (x) Data space (y)
Summary GPLVM and GPDM provide priors from small data sets Dependence on initialization, hyperpriors, latent dimensionality Open problems modeling data topology and stylistic variation