Pennsylvania BANNER Users Group 2007 Structuring a reporting environment for success
General Announcements Please turn off all cell phones/pagers If you must leave the session early, please do so as discreetly as possible Please avoid side conversations during the session Questions will be answered at the end of the session Thank you for your cooperation
Introductions Tom Chaves, Manager MaryLynn Kudey, Senior Manager
SMART Business Advisory and Consulting Headquartered in Devon, PA Professional services firm with international offices and over 600 consultants The SMART Advantage – Depth of Higher Education experience – Proven methodologies with a history of success – Experienced functional, technical and project management resources
Our goals Identify components of an effective reporting environment Ensure that the right information is available to the right people at the right time Discuss the organizational structures, underlying processes and data requirements to support a successful deployment of a campus-wide reporting solution
Does this sound familiar? Lets listen to a conversation between a Director of IT and the Registrar about reporting at their institution...
Why is reporting a challenge? Quantity and quality of information available Different needs for different institutional roles – Formatting – Detail vs. Summary – Strategic vs. Operational Multiple systems with different capabilities (including shadow systems) Multiple reporting tools supported (or not) by the institution
Reporting Approach Technology Reporting tools ODS Data Warehouse Portals XML Strategy Operational vs. Strategic Measurements Communication Culture People Sponsors Committees Work teams Skills Process Methodology Prioritization Communication Escalation Issue resolution
Strategy Why do you need a Strategy? – Sets the direction and structure for moving forward – Gets everyone on the same page – Identifies the importance of the project – Manages expectations How do you use it to your benefit? – Manage the progress and direction of the project Strategy People Process Technology
Strategy People Process Technology Goals & Objectives Reporting Tools & Environment Governance Structure Roles & Responsibilities Data Sources Processes Security Strategy Communication Plan Phases and Milestones What are the contents of a Strategy?
Lessons Learned Develop a comprehensive Enterprise Reporting Strategy, versus independent application reporting strategies Ensure the reporting strategy is supportive of the institutions mission Start at the top of the institution to identify the metrics to measure the institutions performance Strategy People Process Technology
People Define the skills required to develop and support the solution Identify organizational changes that may be required Develop a data integrity team Determine who will need access to what information Strategy People Process Technology
Executive or Sponsor Committee Steering Committee Student Implementation Team Admissions Registrar Financial Aid Etc... Finance Implementation Team Budgeting Purchasing Operations Etc... HR Implementation Team Payroll Human Resources Employment Benefits Etc... Advancement Implementation Team Alumni Relations Pledge/Gift Processing Prospect Management Etc... IT & Infrastructure Team Reporting Tool Data warehouse Security Etc...
Lessons Learned Manage expectations from the beginning; the more that is learned about reporting, the more end-users will crave reporting Develop a dedicated team to support an Enterprise Reporting strategy Communicate, communicate, communicate! Strategy People Process Technology
Process Departmental representation (e.g. each business area, IT) Communication plan (e.g. up, down, and out) Data Integrity – plan for data cleanup Requesting, prioritizing, developing, deploying a report Security – where & how Rollout & Training – who, what, & when – Initial and ongoing (e.g. new staff, refreshers) Support Strategy People Process Technology
Design Approach Develop Reports Inventory Develop Report Definition Develop Functional Spec Develop Technical Spec Identify all reporting needs Assign priorities 1-page description Outlines reporting need Created by Functional owner Defines requirements Created by programmer / analyst Defines tables, joins, etc., Strategy People Process Technology
Lessons Learned Establish key processes upfront and continue to identify, clarify, and evolve processes as project progresses Involve key stakeholder in process definition and refinement Strategy People Process Technology
Reporting Tools - one, many, different purposes – Role of desktop tools – MS Access, Excel Data Source(s) - Banner? ODS? Data warehouse? Customization/extension of data warehouse – why, when, how? Distribution of reports – portal? pdf? Integration of systems – XML? Strategy People Process Technology
Lessons Learned Identify any underlying system configuration changes (i.e. ERP) that need to be in place to support the desired reporting outcomes Evaluate the underlying data issues and establish a plan to manage data issues before initiating report development Establish the right infrastructure to support reporting needs Strategy People Process Technology
Next Steps Document... – reporting challenges at your institution At what level and in what area(s)? – current reporting environment Obtain a Project Sponsor (VP, Cabinet) Develop an Organizational Structure Create Reporting Strategy
Questions??? Tom Chaves, Manager Office: MaryLynn Kudey, Senior Manager Office: Uncompromised Commitment to Client Satisfaction