Quad Cities Photography Club Dan Garrett 11/2012
The Numbers Lens Function MM F Stop Camera Body Function Shutter Speed ISO Dan Garrett 11/2012
MM MM is the unit of measure for a lens focal length. The distance from the lens focal point to the sensor. Dan Garrett 11/2012
F-Stop How much light is allowed to contact the sensor. Affects: Exposure Focus / Depth of Field Dan Garrett 11/2012
Shutter Speed The length of time the light is allowed to contact the sensor. Affects Exposure Motion Dan Garrett 11/2012
ISO How sensitive the sensor is to light Affects Exposure Image Quality / Noise 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, Most Light Least Light Dan Garrett 11/2012
Final Picture ExposureMotionDepth of FieldNoiseSharpnessComposition ISO MM Shutter Speed f-stop Dan Garrett 11/2012
Focus Manual Automatic Continuous Automatic Image Stabilization Lens Camera AF Mode Selector Single Point, Dynamic Area, or Auto Area Dan Garrett 11/2012
Lens Types Prime Zoom Standard Wide Angle Telephoto Macro Tilt Teleconverter Dan Garrett 11/2012
Common Filters Neutral Density Graduated Neutral Density Circular Polarizer (DSLR) UV, Clear, Skylight Many More Sized to match lens. Dan Garrett 11/2012
Changing Lens Protect from contamination Use lens caps Camera pointed down Align Marks Dan Garrett 11/2012
Lens Hood Blocks side light, glare spots Matched to lens Physical protection Dan Garrett 11/2012
Lens Cleaning Lens Pen Cloth Cleaner Solution very sparingly Apply to cloth, not lens Blower Never use compressed air Hold so dust falls out Dan Garrett 11/2012
Sensor Size Crop Factor Increases effective MM Dan Garrett 11/2012
Which lens? Dan Garrett 11/2012
Which Lens? Dan Garrett 11/2012
Which Lens? Dan Garrett 11/2012
More Camera Simulator Wikipedia Nikon Photo.net Nikkor Lens Glossary Camera and Lens Reviews Dan Garrett 11/2012