4 ème réunion annuelle de l’AfCoP Accountability / partnership ranks first among MfDR pillars, followed by leadership, monitoring-evaluation, planning and budgeting, and statistics. 40 percent were trained in sessions providing general information about MfDR; 60 percent were trained at meetings dealing with specific MfDR pillars. Lack of training details for 963 people makes it impossible to get a real overview of the situation. The sector with the most trainees is the public sector (56%), followed by civil society (30%) and the private sector (14%). Niger: (42%), Kenya: (29%), Burkina: (14%), Senegal: (12%) Côte d’Ivoire: (3%) Percentage by country
4 ème réunion annuelle de l’AfCoP Mobilization of resources Resources come from Strong partnerships to mobilize financial resources with: mechanisms responsible for PRSPs; ministries of the economy and finance Membership fees Partner support Other partnerships with technical and financial partners (TFPs) and other networks: local monitoring-evaluation networks(as in Niger); African Development Bank (AfDB) and its country offices; World Bank; national projects and programs; and so on.
4 ème réunion annuelle de l’AfCoP Capacity building to support national processes, such as the national evaluation policy, the national communication policy, and so on in Niger Capacity building to carry out capacity-building activities Beginning of institutionalization of RBM in some countries (such as Mali and Niger) Maintenance of members’ enthusiasm, thanks to the quality of discussions and training, and increased membership Greater knowledge of MfDR in Kenya and everywhere else Development results related to CoP activities Some results
4 ème réunion annuelle de l’AfCoP Items are put on the agenda of each meeting, to promote dialogue among national CoPs and to share the strategies they develop. Impact of dialogue between developed countries through national CoPs s are exchanged to share experiences. National CoP team members provide information. National CoP members participate in launch processes to provide advice, with AfDB support (Mali, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, and Zimbabwe). AfCoP annual meetings provide a formal setting for dialogue among national CoPs. They also offer opportunities for bilateral discussions between national CoP leaders, who benefit by discussing their experiences and consulting each other mutually and totally independently. In national CoP launch processes At CMT meetings At AfCoP annual meetings Strengthens will and expedites imple- mentation Strengthens membership Boosts confidence and need for dialogue
4 ème réunion annuelle de l’AfCoP Difficulties shared by national CoPs: Weakness and lack of own means to implement action plans Unavailability of resources to facilitate the community Lack of funding to maintain member enthusiasm Need for financial resources to implement national CoP activities to achieve real visibility Mobilization of financial resources to start up and maintain the work plan Difficulties encountered by national CoPs CountryDifficulties encountered Niger Many requests owing to interest generated in MfDR Senegal Senior facilitators are absorbed in their professional activities. Lack of communication activities Mali Poor mobilization and engagement of stakeholders DRC Poor engagement in CoP-RDC and AfCoP, no doubt because of their volunteer activities Poor participation of members in online discussions Poor capacity for general knowledge of MfDR Almost total lack of MfDR knowledge and information sharing Almost total lack of office equipment and supplies for minimum operation Poor capacity of initiatives to share and integrate the notion of results in government activities Kenya Volunteer management of the secretariat Time constraints of central management team members.
4 ème réunion annuelle de l’AfCoP Country Prospects Niger Communication strategy Establishment of regional focal points Partnership with other CoPs (monitoring and valuation) Capacity building, budgeting Creation of an MfDR database and website Institutionalization of a newsletter Organization of 2nd MfDR Week Training and consulting support for ministries and institutions Implementation of CAP-Scan process Survey of how MfDR is perceived Introduction of award for excellence in MfDR Senegal National MfDR Pillar Week Workshop for planning, monitoring, and evaluation officers of ministries and projects Partnership and accountability workshop for non-governmental stakeholders Workshop for local elected representatives on results-based planning and accountability Development of communications media on SenCoP and AfCoP Mali Develop the 2011 action plan. Establish regional offices. Partner with other stakeholders. Determine an appropriate status for the CoP. Ensure institutional anchoring of the CoP. Support the implementation of the action plan for the national policy on the institutionalization of results-based management (RBM). Country Prospects DRC MfDR capacity building of the public sector, the private sector, and civil society Steering and training for managers in the public sector, the private sector, and civil society Organization and evaluation of national CAP-Scan capacities Implementation of provincial MfDR coordinators Awareness and information of national development stakeholders Promotion of leadership to develop a culture of results Training in automated program project software Start-up and steering of the implementation of a results-based M&E system Establishment of a result matrix or strategic logical framework Kenya National CAP-Scan Activation of knowledge communication platforms MfDR training Documentation of all of these processes Burkina Faso Preparations for the general assembly Training of members, local elected representatives, parliamentarians MfDR conferences CoP_Burkina/GRD open-door week. Côte d’Ivoire Validation and implementation of the 2011 work plan Implementation of CAP-Scan for Côte d’Ivoire MfDR capacity building of CoP-RCI members MfDR capacity building of national stakeholders Help in implementing a culture of results by developing training modules for universities and major schools Zimbabwe Mobilize resources. Build capacities. Network and advertise. Prospects
4 ème réunion annuelle de l’AfCoP Toward more sustainable and effective national CoPs Train more MfDR specialists to use the CAP-Scan tool. Consider establishing a full-time secretariat (Permanent Secretariat) to manage national CoPs. Continue to support national CoPs in managing the services needed to implement their action plans. Establish a sound policy of providing capacity-building skills. National CoPs require greater support, so that their activities build and ensure the sustainability of the culture of results for national processes relating to leadership, partnership and accountability, monitoring-evaluation, results-based planning and budgeting, and statistical capacities. Be sure to involve technical and financial partners in CoP activities. Continue communication and lobbying to ensure the visibility of each national CoP at all levels.
4 ème réunion annuelle de l’AfCoP Raise awareness among development partners and governments, to provide national CoPs with adequate means to implement action plans. Build the MfDR, knowledge management, and online sharing capacities of national CoP members. Advocate and raise awareness of politicians and senior managers regarding the advent of results-based management. Revitalize or engage enthusiastic members prepared to help implement action plans. Develop partnerships involving TFPs and projects/programs. Develop and implement communication plans. Build capacities, and develop tools and practices, relating to RBM. Think about ways and means to ensure the sustainability of national CoPs. Toward more sustainable and effective national CoPs
4 ème réunion annuelle de l’AfCoP End