愛上魔術動詞 靈活運用 get 動詞 1.get about 2.get out of 3.get over 4.get through 5.get somewhere 6.get somebody down Get.


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Presentation transcript:

愛上魔術動詞 靈活運用 get 動詞 1.get about 2.get out of 3.get over 4.get through 5.get somewhere 6.get somebody down Get

1.get about 到處走 ; 活動 ; ( 謠言等 ) 傳開 He was ill last week, but he is getting about now. 上週他生病, 但現在已能走動。 2. get somebody down 使沮喪 ; 使疲倦 Loneliness always gets her down. 寂寞總是令她沮喪。 3. get out of 離開 ; 避免 ; 擺脫 ( 習慣 ) Your excuse won’t get you out of your punishment. 你的藉口不會使你免受處罰。

4. get over 克服 ( 困難等 ); 越過 ; 恢復 How could they get over that problem, he wondered? 他感到好奇他們如何克服那困難。 5. get somewhere 成功 ; 有效果 ; 有進展 He believed that he would get somewhere with his plans. 他相信他的計畫會有進展。 6. get through 完成 ; 通過 He got through his final exams easily. 他輕易地通過期末考。

1.get over (1) 翻覆 (2) 變成 (3) 克服 2.get about (1) 著手 (2) 落後 (3) 傳開 3.get out of (1) 了結 (2) 避免 (3) 獲得 4.get through (1) 脫掉 (2) 逃避懲罰 (3) 完成 5.get somewhere (1) 有進展 (2) 到達某地 (3) 得到 6.set somebody down (1) 使沮喪 (2) 責罵 (3) 下車 A.Choose the correct expression:

1.get over (1) 翻覆 (2) 克服 (3) 變成 2.get about (1) 著手 (2) 落後 (3) 傳開 3.get out of (1) 避免 (2) 了結 (3) 獲得 4.get through(1) 脫掉 (2) 完成 (3) 逃避懲罰 5.get somewhere (1) 有進展 (2) 到達某地 (3) 得到 6.set somebody down (1) 責罵 (2) 下車 (3) 使沮喪 Answers:

 I think the problem can be got _____ without too much difficulty.  Let’s start. There’s a lot of work to get _____.  At times when my work gets me _____, I like to fantasize about being a painter  It’s amazing what people will do to get _____ paying taxes.  After six months’ work on the project, at last I feel I’m getting _____.  He’s getting _____ again after his accident. B. Fill the blanks with appropriate prepositions:

 I think you can easily get over your homesickness..  Let’s start. There’s a lot of work to get through.  At times when my work gets me down, I like to fantasize about being a painter  It’s amazing what people will do to get out of paying taxes.  After six months’ work on the project, at last I feel I’m getting somewhere.  He’s getting about again after the accident. Answers:

C. Fill the blanks in the following dialogue: Jimmy: Sam, what is the novel about? Sam: You will get some ideas after you ____________ the first two chapters by yourself. Jimmy: All right, if you say so. John: What’s wrong with you? You look sad. Bob: I got three Fs in my final exams. John: Come on. Don’t let that thing ______________. It’s no big deal. get through get you down

Jack: Susan, I think you should _________ the habit of smoking. It is not good for you. Susan: Why? Jack: Don’t you know the price of cigarettes will be up 25% starting next week? Susan: Oh, My God. Anna: Are you feeling better now? Eric: Yeah, but it took me forty-four days to _______ my cold. Anna: Forty-four days? Wow, nice seeing you back. get out of get over

Jerry: How did the rumors _________ that Peter is a gay? It’s ridiculous. Mark: Well, Tom told us that he saw Tom and you shopping in Carrefour last weekend, hand in hand. Jerry: …… Secretary A: Jerry is quite naïve. Secretary B: what? Secretary A: He believed that our sluggish sales would ____________ with his plans. Secretary B: I think we had better tell him earlier that our CEO is decided to lay off 50 people next week. And he is one of them. get about get somewhere

D. Make sentences with the following: 1.get about 2.get out of 3.get over 4.get through 5.get somewhere 6.get somebody down