Machine level architecture Computer Architecture Basic units of a Simple Computer.


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Presentation transcript:

Machine level architecture Computer Architecture Basic units of a Simple Computer

How do we add two numbers?

Program Unit Output Input (data) Memory Accumulator SIMCo

Inputs and Outputs Goldman Sachs partner Dennis Suskind

Processes and Flow Charts Start Receive numbers to add Do Addition Announce Answer Stop Start Read first number Read second number Put first number into accumulator Add second number to first Store sum in memory Print Sum Stop

Program InputOutput Memory Accumulator 1 st number to be added Read First Number

Program InputOutput Memory Accumulator 2 nd number to be added Read Second Number

Program InputOutput Memory Accumulator 1 st Number Put first number in accumulator

Program InputOutput Memory Accumulator Sum of 1 st and 2 nd number Add second number to first

Program InputOutput Memory Accumulator Sum Store sum in memory

Program InputOutput Memory Accumulator 1 st number to be added Print Sum

Operational Codes 0 = Input 1 = Clear and Add 2 = Add 3 = Test Accumulator Contents 4 = Shift 5 = Output 6 = Store 7 = Subtract 8 = Unconditional Jump 9 = Halt and Reset


Operational Codes 9 = Input 1 = Clear and Add 2 = Add 3 = Test Accumulator Contents 4 = Shift 5 = Output 6 = Store 7 = Subtract 8 = Unconditional Jump 0 = Halt and Reset Cardiac Op Codes