Ensuring Organisational Memory through Audit and Quality Improvement. Amanda Mollett Head of Clinical Effectiveness & Audit Jen Knight Clinical Audit Manager
Introduction About us – Who we are – The organisation The workshop – Purpose – Plan – Outcomes
R eact…quickly and negatively A ssume…you know what people mean In sist…it won’t work How do we need to be today? The basics: Be here in the room Be flexible Be respectful and supportive Everyone has a voice Challenge with purpose No such word as ‘can’t’ Do it as a team S uspend…your judgement U nderstand…ask questions N urture…and build VS
Knowledge Francis, Keogh & Berwick National Projects Local examples
Background Project Outcome Challenges
Processes How do you learn from audits? – What do you do? – What works? – What doesn’t work? – What needs tweaking? WHY???!!! How do these things influence practice/patient care?
So what about the quality? How do we work together with other teams in Trusts? What are the right changes? What’s important? Safety ExperienceEffectiveness
Learning What’s important to make your organisation an organisation that learns? – 1 key thing – quick win – 1 key thing – slow burn How will you do it? Effort Impact Gold standard for learning – is there one?
Assurance RAG rating – What do you do, and who does it? – What works? – What doesn’t work? – What needs tweaking?
Summary How have we changed to learn from this project? – The audit team – The Trust Org. memory Learn to think like a 3 year old…
Contact details Amanda Mollett Jen Knight Any Questions?