SEILA Program and the Role of Commune Database Information System (CDIS) Poverty and Economic Policy (PEP) Research Network Meeting 16-20 June 2004, Dakar,


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Presentation transcript:

SEILA Program and the Role of Commune Database Information System (CDIS) Poverty and Economic Policy (PEP) Research Network Meeting June 2004, Dakar, Senegal Poverty and Economic Policy (PEP) Research Network Meeting June 2004, Dakar, Senegal By: TRY SOTHEARITH National Institute of Statistics (NIS) Ministry of Planning, Cambodia

2 Map of Cambodia

3  Cambodia is situated in Southeast Asia  Land area of 181,035 square kilometers  Population in 2003 is 13.8 million, of which 52% are females  Population growth of 2.3% per annum.  Population density is 67 persons/Sqkm.  Rural population 84% and  Urban population 16% of the total  GDP 291 USD in 2001  Population under poverty line 36% Background …

4  The SEILA program started since 2001  Established under a National Decentralized Development Fund and Donors for the period of year  Model to strengthen on decentralization and deconcentration  National effort to achieve poverty reduction through improved local government.  Seila will directly alleviate rural poverty at commune and village level SEILA Program

5 SEILA Structure SEILA Program Management Structure (Province to commune level)

6  Fully cover nationwide, 1,621 communes  Commune Database contains basic socio- economic data collected at village level  Database is managed by Provincial Department of Planning and Statistics (PDOPS)  The objective: To provide data and input for situation analysis and local development planning, To measure impact of local development activities. SEILA Commune database

7  SEILA Program: Capacity building commune council Setting-Up Commune Database (CDB): SEILA support in partnership with PDOPS SEILA Task Force (STF): SEILA project staff and PDOPS staff responsible for Data Collection  Data Collection Procedure: STF train to District Planning Office (DPO) DPO train to Commune Development Council (CDC) CDC train to Village Leaders Village Leader are responsible for data collection in his/her village A village-based data collection  Questionnaire use for village level: village leader will answer all questions for the village Questionnaire use for village level: Commune Database…

8  Data Analysis: After fill up questionnaire village leader sent to CDC to check CDC sent to SDPO for Crosscheck SDPO sent to Province DOPS for data analysis  OUTPUT: PDOPS produce output Commune profile: village database District profile: Commune database Provincial profile: district and commune database Commune Database…

9  Use of CDB output: Use of CDB output For planning and assessment at the commune Compared progress every year Other NGOs Commune Database…

10 Seila M&E and Information System  To provide basic social, economic and environmental data at commune level (CDB), to support the allocation of the investment fund (geography targeting), to aid planning of investment, and t evaluate the local impact.  To provide physical and financial data, regularly assess the efficiency and effectiveness of investment in service and infrastructure, and develop incentives and sanctions to encourage improved performance of province and commune situation

11 Seila M&E and …  To provide policy oriented periodic evaluations of system efficiency and development effectiveness and impact for national policy and procedure in support in decentralization and deconcentration, as well as poverty alleviation.  A comprehensive public awareness and information strategy regarding the provisions of the new statute, the organizational rules and procedures for accessing and utilizing decentralised resources and the roles and responsibilities of public officials (province to village levels) to promote public transparency and accountability

12 Statistical Reporting System Surveys and Cencuses: NIS and Ministries Surveys and Cencuses: NIS and Ministries Administrative Data : Ministries and Agencies Administrative Data : Ministries and Agencies Administrative Data: Provincial Level Administrative Data: Provincial Level NIS : Editing, Compiling, Analysing and Dissemination NIS : Editing, Compiling, Analysing and Dissemination Commune Databas e (CDB) National and Provincial Database through National Institute of Statistics (NIS) ?

13  Has been developed under the project of NGOs in order to serve their own goal and purposes.  Lessons learned are following: One-shot project report Donor driven Collected information was not well shared and used No clear inter-linkage of M&E system at local level framework No clear understanding what the key data needs No clear reporting system No clear methodology and standards Statistical Reporting System… Commune Database Commune Database (CDB)

14 Propose a new CDIS framework  Seila will be terminated the project next year, 2005  No any project going to be takeover Seila  Base on Seila experiences in commune database  Observing on CBMS in Cambodia:  Village census and use scientific methods  The CBMS generate and validates the information needed for focused targeting  Indicate family situation the community and encourage them to initiate corresponding action to alleviate their condition  It ensues that the information needed in the situational analysis, planning implementation, and monitoring and evaluation are reliable, accurate relevant and timely.  To promote sharing information among various sectors in the commune, higher level of government and the private NGO and business sector to reach common targets and address priority problems in the community

15  Take Over Seila Program of CDB  Engage with CBMS  Develop Statistical techniques and methods;  Accessibility of Statistics office in the province and district that can serve as correspondent agencies;  Experiences of NIS staff involved in CDB of SEILA program;  Responsible for the development report of commune, district, provincial and national level;  Identify and select correspondent (focal point) member of NIS in commune; NIS’s Possible involvement in CDIS

16 Propose new CDIS Framework

17 Propose new CDIS Framework

18 Proposed Flow of Information

19 Use of CDIS/CBMS for Devt. Planning Integrated Development Plan Integrated Development Plan Commune Development and Planning Commune Development and Planning - National Development Policies - National M&E System - National Development Policies - National M&E System CDIS/CBMS OUTPUT Devt. & Investment NGOs, Private, Media Community, Family Devt. & Investment NGOs, Private, Media Community, Family Poverty Mapping Poverty Mapping

20 Learning from Seila and CBMS’ experiences, creating the CDIS or adopt CBMS as nationwide CBMS and become an official database in Cambodia now is very appropriate and needed for the currently commune councils to have better knowledge and accurate information for a good local development planning in each locality. It is, therefore, the government of Cambodia, international donors, and other related agencies must take into account the importance of the database system that can be developed and used for the sake of achieving development goal of communes, districts, provinces/municipalities, and national development. Conclusion Statement

21 Thank You for Your Attention Angkor Wat, Cambodia