My “Achy Breaky” Shoulder Shoulder Pain and Treatment Kennedy Club Fitness, Paso Mark G. Kowall, M.D., M.B.A. September 24, 2013
The Orthopedic Specialty Hospital Knee and Shoulder Training
Shoulder Pain Impingement Rotator Cuff Problems Instability Most common sources Impingement Rotator Cuff Problems Instability Labrum Tears Trauma Less Common Sources Arthritis Frozen Shoulder
Impingement Syndrome (“umbrella diagnosis”) Bursitis (25-40 y/o) Tendinitis (40-50 y/o) Rotator Cuff Tear (>50 y/o)
Impingement “Bursitis/Tendinitis”
“Bursitis/Tendinitis” Symptoms Pain with overhead motion Shoulder to elbow location Night time awakening Pain with lifting Occasional neck pain radiation Usually no numbness/tingling
“Bursitis/Tendinitis” Treatment Exam XRays NSAID’s Physical Therapy or Home Therapy Steroid Injection MRI
Surgical Treatment “Decompression”
Rotator Cuff Tear
Rotator Cuff Tear Similar Symptoms as Bursitis More pain More weakness Sometimes specific trauma but More often “age related”
MRI Edge of tendon
Rotator Cuff Repair
Instability (Labrum Tears) S.L.A.P. Lesion Bankart Lesion
Repair of the Labrum through the Arthroscope
Trauma Shoulder Separation AC Joint Fall off Bike onto shoulder Usually no surgery (Depends on severity)
Trauma Shoulder Dislocation “Ball and Socket” Joint Often requires ER visit Can lead to recurrent dislocations
Trauma Fracture Common in older population (Usually no surgery) Younger population (more frequent surgery)
“Arthritis” = “Tread Wear” Cartilage Osteoarthritis is a particular type of arthritis which affects the cartilage in the joints, causing it to breakdown and eventually be lost all together. Healthy Joint Osteoarthritic Joint “tread wear”
Arthritis “Acromioclavicular Joint” Normal Arthritis Common in younger patients “Weight lifters”, construction workers
Acromioclavicular Joint Treatment NSAID’s Activity Modification Steroid injection Arthroscopic Surgery (Removal of arthritic end of clavicle)
Arthritis “Ball and Socket Joint”
Shoulder X-Ray Arthritis Advanced Arthritis Normal Joint Space
Arthroscopy – Microfracture small awl used to make holes in bone promote re-growth of cartilage
Shoulder Replacement
Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)
Frozen Shoulder Treatment Pain control (NSAID’s, steroid medication and injection) Physical Therapy TIME, TIME, TIME Sometimes manipulation of shoulder under general anesthesia
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