Welcome to PCS
The History of PCS Picture
What is a Charter School?
Mission Pacific Collegiate School’s mission is to provide exemplary, standards- based college preparatory and fine arts education for public middle and high school students of Santa Cruz County and bordering areas. Our vision is to offer any student the same quality of education offered by the most academically distinguished schools in California. Our graduates will be prepared to enter and thrive at the world’s finest colleges and universities.
Expectations of a PCS Student
Effortful Study
Opportunity R class, Science Fair, Cancer Research, Musicianship, etc.
History Curriculum 7th Grade: US History 8 th Grade: Ancient World History 9 th Grade: Medieval World History 10 th Grade: AP World History 11 th Grade: AP US History Optional Electives Rhetoric and Oratory Seminars
English Curriculum 7 th Grade: Introduction to American Literature 8 th Grade: Ancient World Literature 9th Grade: Medieval World Literature 10 th Grade: Modern World Literature 11 th Grade: AP English Language 12 th Grade: AP English Literature Optional Elective American Literature
Science Curriculum 7 th Grade: Life Science 8 th Grade: Physical Science 9 th Grade: Conceptual Physics 10 th Grade: Chemistry 11 th or 12 th Grades:AP Biology Optional Electives AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, AP Physics
Math Curriculum Pre-Algebra Algebra 1 Algebra 2 Geometry Pre-Calculus Optional Electives Intro. to Engineering & Auto CAD AP Statistics AP Calculus AP Computer Science
World Language Curriculum Spanish 1, 2, 3 & AP French 1, 2, 3 & 4/AP Latin 1, 2, 3, AP/Literature Chinese 1, 2, 3, 4 & AP We require 3 years in one language and recommend students take four years in one language culminating with an AP offering. Many students elect to take two languages during their time at PCS.
Visual and Performing Arts Curriculum Visual Arts: Art 1, 2 & 3; Graphic and Digital Arts; Studio Art, AP Studio Art Performing Arts: Introduction to Performing Arts (7 th grade only), Drama 1, 2, 3; Video Production; Dance Studies Music: Music 1 Beginning Instrumental; Music 2 Advanced Instrumental; Music 3 Symphony/Jazz Chorus: Beginning Chorus and Advanced Chorus Optional Electives AP Art History
A PCS Student?
Expectations of Parents
PCS Funding
Is PCS The Right Choice? Are you currently being challenged in school? Would you be proud to be a student at PCS? What is lacking in your current school situation that you think PCS can address? How much agreement is there within your family that PCS is the right school? What are your priorities in choosing a school and how does the PCS mission align with these priorities? Are you willing to give up some of your current activities if they conflict with the primary focus of academics at PCS?
Next Steps
Refer To Our Website Please refer to our website for additional information Copy of the PowerPoint School Profile Frequently Asked Questions Lottery Application