November 7,
Report on the community feedback Inform the Board on our progress on the recommendations from Dr. Orfield’s report Review the timeline for elementary applications and assignments Determine the next steps 2
I. Introductions – Jack Jacobs II. Community Feedback—Dena Dossett III. Progress Report—Barbara Dempsey, Rick Caple, Brent West, Rick Mosley IV. Timeline—Kathy McGinnis V. Next steps—Jack Jacobs 3
Locations ◦ Gheens, Central, Doss, Ballard, Southern ◦ JCPS staff ◦ Elementary principals ◦ Superintendent’s Summit ◦ On-line responses Format ◦ Video of Dr. Orfield’s recommendations ◦ Followed by a PRESS activity and the opportunity to “turn and talk” after the questions Over 900 people responded to a survey regarding Dr. Orfield’s recommendations 5
AgreeDisagree Improves ride times Promotes parent involvement by being closer to home Want neighborhood plan Long bus rides still exist Promoting diversity isn’t the most important factor Limits choices Unclear how it would improve achievement 9
AgreeDisagree Provides educational continuity Reduces transitions Simplifies process for parents Reduces administrative time/costs Allows opportunity to change school if desired Kindergartners may have long ride times 11
AgreeDisagree Would agree if the assigned school was closer to home and older child could be placed closer to home Like option to stay at current school Parents want all siblings at the same school to promote parent involvement, simplify childcare issues, and allow older sibling to help with younger child 13
The third option “I don’t know” was only available for community forums
Current School Shorter Bus Ride My child’s school works for us, and we want him/her to remain Would want continuity for my child Closer school would be beneficial for after school opportunities 15
AgreeDisagree If safety (example: a busy road) is taken in to consideration, would be OK with longer distance to bus stop Close bus stops are very convenient for parents Younger children may need bus stops closer to home Likes the location of current bus stop 17
AgreeDisagree Younger students may not know their interests Would require teachers to have high expectations of all students Gifted students need opportunity to excel Ensures that all students are interested in the magnet 19
AgreeDisagree Online will enhance the application process That is OK as long as there is way for parents to do paper applications as well All parents don’t have computer access Some parents might need additional guidance 21
Web survey not included in these results.
AgreeDisagree Support integration without exclusion Some classrooms (for example, AP) appear segregated Don’t agree with board’s diversity goals How would this be implemented 25
Web survey not included in these results.
AgreeDisagree This is already the policy in some communities The more diversity in neighborhoods the better Concern that mixed- income housing would impact property values This recommendation may exceed the school board’s authority 27
Would like specific information about how this would affect my family What would be the impact of the case before the Kentucky Supreme Court 29
Most families want to know how it would affect their families Most in favor of applying for kindergarten and not reapplying for 1 st grade Most indicated they wanted siblings to remain together Support for advanced technology 30
Work session on 10/24/11 Adjusting cluster arrangement Defining Diversity Delayed implementation of high school boundary changes Focus on elementary Positive result from public survey and elementary principals Include kindergarten 32
Surveyed public and elementary principals Existing practice Grandfathering existing students Minority students included in plan Future recommendation about inclusion of ESL students in diversity guideline Minority students and ESL Identified vendor for GPS and AVL State contract pending for vendor Demonstration for district staff Transportation 33
Will be studied after adoption of plan Rewarding stable neighborhood Cultural competence PD Will explore additional PD models Strengthening academic benefits Recruitment programs in place Will explore additional recruitment options Diverse faculty 34
Enhanced school finder On-line application Reviewing automated assignment Upgrading technology Will review existing programs to ensure equitable access to programs for all students Monitoring equity Will develop format for reporting progress on diversity Improving evaluation 35
Develop communication plan to reach parents in all communities Equalizing information in application & placements 36
Complete In process Not started Decision Point Need decision 38
In order to implement a different elementary student assignment plan for the school year: ◦ It is necessary to present a plan for discussion on November 21, This plan would be based on the recommendations from Dr. Orfield. Staff is continuing to study and make adjustments to the original proposal from Dr. Orfield. ◦ The plan would be presented to the Board for approval on December 12, 2011 ◦ We have been asked to consider other scenarios; this will require additional time to research and investigate each scenario thoroughly. 44