“Working with Families in Times of Crisis” Ari Hoffman MA, LPC Psychotherapist ;
- How to appropriately answer questions about difficult topics - How and when to make children feel better when they are upset
Tell children what they need to know and nothing more Why do you want to know? ◦ Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll Have you heard? The walls are thin and Charlie is listening Blood and Fire ◦ Acts of People ◦ Acts of G-d
Safety Consistency ◦ Trust, Trust, and more Trust Physical Touch Cuddling vs. Coddling You take up space in my hard drive Kiss the tears
Ignorance is only bliss until someone asks you a question Prepare, prepare, prepare ◦ Make like a boy scout
Global and Personal
Interrupt reactionary brain processes Promote proactive brain processes
On stress Off Stress
Survival oriented Decisions without thought More likely to include: anger, upset, stress Will save your life in a tiger attack Critical Thinking Thoughtful Future oriented Patient Calm Effective Will save your life in situations that involve chronic stress
Anything that makes you happy, calm(er), and/or relaxed: ◦ Friends ◦ Music ◦ Beautiful things ◦ Hobbies ◦ Deep Breathing
Stress/Anxiety/Anger Proactive thinking/ Calm
You can be a firefighter too!!
You can leave the lecture now because you won’t do this anyway
The calling is noble but not any nobler than you are ◦ Discretion and valor Scene Safe??? ◦ Am I protected 3 am parties not by choice Hey! Let me help you
Parents and Caregivers alike must take care of themselves. If you want to do this work well, you don’t have a choice.
98% vs. 2% Eat well ◦ Less: sugar, poison (caffeine), processed foods, soda (G-d save us) ◦ More: fruits and vegetables, nuts, water (what’s water?), eggs, poultry, meat (it should also look like meat) Exercise ◦ You will be smarter, nicer, and better looking
Go out with friends Laugh ◦ Jim Gaffigan “hot pockets” ◦ Jeff Dunham “Walter” Hobbies ◦ Things you enjoy doing for the sake of doing them. Get counseling (we don’t normally bite and when we do its not that hard) Sleep Ahem!!!!
Only answer what your child needs to know Make sure the child knows he or she is cared for Look at beautiful things and try to engage the proactive part of the brain Take care of yourself!
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