Identitas Mahasiswa - NAMA : WIDI ASTANI - NIM : PRODI : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris - JURUSAN : BAHASA & SASTRA INGGRIS - FAKULTAS : Bahasa dan Seni - d33_y4z pada domain yahoo.com - PEMBIMBING 1 : Prof. Dr. Mursid Saleh, M. A - PEMBIMBING 2 : Drs. La Ode M - TGL UJIAN :
Abstrak This final project is about the use of visualization in Desuggestopedia teaching method in improving students‟ ability in reading comprehension. In order to focus the discussion on the topic, the problems that I want to discuss in this final project are whether there is any difference between students‟ reading comprehension before and after treatment and also whether there is any significant difference in students‟ reading comprehension between students taught using visualization in Desuggestopedia and those taught without visualization in conventional teaching method. The purpose of this study was to know whether the use of visualization in Desuggestopedia could improve students‟ achievement in reading comprehension and was there any significant difference between students who taught by using this method and conventional method. Visualization is a technique involving focusing on positive mental images in order to achieve a particular goal. It includes visualizing story or text in order to make the reading activity more fun and comprehend the content of the text easily. This study conducted to the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Pati in the academic year of 2011/2012. This study used quantitative method by using pre-test and post –test. Try-out was used to know the reliability and validity of item test. Class VIII-A was an experimental group and VIII-B was a control group. There were four times treatments before post-test conducted. The students were given recount text for the treatment. To check the significant effect of the treatment, I analyzed the result by using t-test formula. With α = 0.05 and df = 53, the critical value of t is The Ho accepted area was the value between and In the pre-test, the obtained t value from t-test was and it was located in the Ho accepted area, so it could be concluded that there was no significant difference of final condition between experimental and control group on the pre-test. But in the post-test, the obtained t value from t-test was and it was located in the Ha refused area, so it could be concluded that there was significant difference of final condition between experimental and control group on the pre-test. The experimental group was higher or better than the control group. It could be drawn that the use of visualization in Desuggestopedia teaching method to improve students‟ reading comprehension was effective. Furthermore, the teacher could find another method or ways to increase the quality of their teaching and learning, so the students could gain the competence expected
Kata Kunci visualization, desuggestopedia teaching method, reading comprehension
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