What is a figure of speech.???
Figures of Speech Figures of speech are words or phrases that depart from straightforward literal language. Figures of speech are often used and crafted for emphasis, freshness, expression, or clarity.
Figures of Speech vs. Idioms Figures of speech is a word or phrase that departs from everyday literal language for the sake of comparison, emphasis, clarity, or freshness. Idioms A set expression of two or more words that means something other than the literal meanings of its individual words.literalmeanings
Figure Based Upon Likeness 1.SIMILE > Expressed comparison between unlike things that have a common quality. > Can be identified by the use of As or Like. Examples: The little stars, like the little children, went first to bed. Far in the distance the river gleamed as a flashing sword of silver
2. METAPHOR > an implied comparison between things essentially different but having some common quality. Examples: They ran like greased lightning. He's got tons of money.
3.EPITHET > a word, generally an adjective, used not to qualify or to give information, but to point out and impart strength or ornament to diction. Examples: Alexander the great. Richard the lion hearted.
4.PERSONIFICATION > Ascribes intelligence or feeling to abstract ideas of inanimate things. Examples: The first rays of morning tiptoed through the meadow. The flowers waltzed in the gentle breeze.
5.APOSTROPHE >The dead are addressed to be living. >the absent as if present; and the animate object and abstract idea as if they were person. Example: oh world ! I cannot hold thee close enough. believe it is the lost wisdom of my grandfather Whose ways were his own and who died before I could ask.
6. ALLIGORY > The representation of abstract ideas or principles by characters, figures, or events in narrative, dramatic, or pictorial form. Examples: the grass is always greener on the other side. Life is a journey, not a destination. Every dog has its day.
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Based Upon Other relation. 1.METONYMY or SYNCECDOCHE > One object may recall another which it closely suggests or a part may be made to mean the whole. example: have you read Shakespeare? He addressed the chair.
2. ALLUSSION >For rhetorical effect, e reference is made to some familiar fact of history or literature. Example; there is no “Open Sesame” to the treasure of learning. Daniel come to judgment.
3. HYPERBOLE > An exaggerated statement made for effect. Example: I have look all over creation for my book. It is going to take a bazillion years to get through Medical School.
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Figures Based Upon Sentence 1.CLIMAX >series of statements are arranged in the order of increasing importance. Examples: He sacrifice his home business, his home, and his honor for political gain..Lost, evaded, broken, dead within an hour.
2. ANTICLIMAX >Result when the climatic order is reversed. It is often use in humorous writing. Example: "He died, like so many young men of his generation, he died before his time. She is beautiful, intelligent, and kind, she is almost perfect.
3. IRONY >Veiled sarcasm. >it consist in using expression of commendation when the exact opposite is meant. example: He was suspended for his little mishap. The homeless survived in their cardboard palaces.
4. EPIGRAM >A short witty, concise statement which has the nature of proverbs. Example: Conspicuous for his absence." Beauty when unadorned is most adorned."
ALLITERATION > Repetition of initial vowel or similar consonant sound. Example: The soul selects her own society. You'll never put a better bit of butter on your knife.
That’s all for these week.. Thank you.!!