1 Why Not The Best: The Commonwealth Fund Benchmarking Website to Track and Facilitate Performance Improvement Anne-Marie J. Audet, M.D., Sc.M., S.M. AHQA May 25, 2011
2 WNTB addresses a health system reform strategy: public reporting of performance data to raise benchmarks and achieve high-quality, efficient care. WNTB was created to fill an important gap –Lack of easily accessible standardized public data on organization-level performance –Most performance reporting sites target consumers; WNTB aims to stimulate health care leaders quality improvement efforts –Numerous ranking and scoring sites report on a variety of measures Methods are not necessarily validated or transparent Sites not linked to resources for improvement WhyNotTheBest.org Why Is It Needed?
3 MeasuresFiltersBench- marks Safety Quality-Overall Recommended Care Quality-Heart Attack Care Quality-Pneumonia Care Quality-Heart Failure Care Quality-Surgical Care Improvement Patient Experience (Hospital CAHPS® Rating 9 or 10) Readmission Rates Mortality Rates Reimbursements Health Care-Associated Infections AHRQ Inpatient Quality Indicators and Patient Safety Indicators State County Hospital Referral Region Health System Bed size Ownership Type (For Profit, Not- For Profit, Public, Government) Safety Net Hospital Teaching Hospital Academic Hospital Top 1% Top 10% Top25% National Average State Average Hospital types HRRs Health Systems Central Line- Associated Blood Stream Infections Patient Safety Indicators Transfusion reactions Deep Vein Thrombosis Pulmonary Embolus Failure to rescue WhyNotTheBest.org What Does it Include? Health Care Settings Safety Net Hospitals Teaching Hospitals Academic Medical Centers Hospital Systems Physicians (planned)
4 What is Unique about WNTB? Profiles of 4,500 hospitals and over 500 hospital systems Scope of Measures and Flexibility in Generating Performance Reports Hospital-based quality: 30 Hospital Quality Alliance measures 10 measures from the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Survey (HCAHPS) Central line-associated bloodstream infections data from 937 hospitals Nine states have partnered with WNTB to publicly report hospital- level AHRQ Patient Safety Indicators. 3 other states to follow Interactive maps of county-level performance Improvement Resources and Wide Range of Benchmarking Capabilities 58 Health care delivery improvement tools 38 Case studies Allows users to compare against others like me – safety net, teaching hospitals, hospital systems; to others in their region, to top 1%, 10%, 25%, national average Interactive Maps of Performance at state, hospital referral region and county level
5 Impact of WNTB, Launched at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement Annual Conference, 12/2008. Reached new audiences of over 7500 leaders: Chief Executive Officers, Chief Medical and Quality Officers, Chiefs of Nursing, Chief Information Officers; private sector ranking groups (Thompson Reuters). Tool used to prepare reports for hospital boards, train staff in process improvement. Recommended as one of top hospital profiling sites by Wall Street Journal and featured in health blogs: ABC News, WSJ, and US News. Included as resource for HHS Value Exchange Networks. Recent inquiry from White House (re. Obama Open Government Directive). Veterans Administration outreach to Fund staff re. design of their own performance reporting site. Special partnership with nine states, Consumer Reports, and The Leapfrog Group around safety transparency. International interest from Canada and UK Ministry of Health.
WhyNotTheBest.org Demo Jaz-Michael King, Senior Director eServices & Health Care Transparency, IPRO Follow us on Contact us at