DEFINITION ? Electronic forms?
Non-Used up Up to date Efficient Reduce error mistakes Faster Ones recording data No waiting forms Easy
Determine who take the responsibility of the transaction Record the data transaction Reduce the error mistake by recording all of the event Transfer information
Created and stored on the companies Created and sent to other companies Receipt from other companies
Asking to do Recording
Copy Simple Internal check Company’s name and address Form’s name Form’s number
1. Who need the forms ( copies) 2. Is there any forms that have same information? 3. How to record the data ( manual vs electronic) 4. Use pencils/pens/typewriters/etc ( determine the quality and types of paper) 5. How to keep the forms
Choose case studies on creating: 1. Forms 2. Journal Source: Mulyadi, Sistem Akuntansi RULES: 1. Group assignment 2. Submit hard copy only 3. Due date: 28 March 2011 at 3 pm 4. Penalty applied for submitting late