XML eXtensible Markup Language Erik Forsström Olle Wessel Patrik Löfgren
XML eXtensible Markup Language
Background XML = HTML + SGML HTML Unstructured No custom tags Present simple information
SGML SGML != internet Recycling of information Structure information Intelligent information Complex
XML Structured informaton Elements = content + tags No layout information DTD specifies structure XML schemas = DTD 2.0 Attribute Unique tags
XML on the web XML != replacement off HTML Seperate data from HTML Store data inside HTML documents Format for exhange information Store data in files and dadabases
Conversion XML to HTML Seding XML to PC conversion on PC User PC Converter from XML to HTML Intermediate HTML document Converter from XML to HTML CSS and/or XSL Layout information Server XML document
Conversion XML to HTML Conversion on the server before transmission User PC Converter from XML to HTML Intermediate HTML document Converter from XML to HTML CSS and/or XSL Layout information XML document Server
Conversion XML to HTML Conversion on the server before storage Server Intermediate HTML document Converter from XML to HTML CSS and/or XSL Layout information XML document Converter from XML to HTML Intermediate HTML document User PC Store of prepared HTML pages Ordinary HTTP sever dispatching web pages on request
XML and DTD James Bond historiegränd umeå Clark Kent fysikgränd umeå
XML on browser
XML with style sheet heroes { background-color: #ffffff; width: 100%; } NAMN { display: block; margin-bottom: 30pt; margin-left: 0; } EFTERNAMN { color: #FF0000; font-size: 20pt; } adress { color: #0000FF; font-size: 20pt; } STAD { color: #AAFF99; } James Bond historiegränd umeå Clark Kent fysikgränd umeå
XHTML Harder and fast syntax rules Elements properly nested Documents must be well-formed Tag names in lowercase All elements must be closed
XML user interfaces XML for define user interfaces ZUL Easy to uppdate interfaces
The Future of XML Relies on the big companies Unite around a few standards Early adoption to XML has risks and oppurtunities Business to business applications
Negative aspects Open standards may give users a feeling of lacking security Too many XML schemas XML demands more initial work from the developers Definitions and relations between tags must make sense Programmers not known for careful syntactic, grammatic and semantic correctness Old profession data analyst would be needed again
XML on the internet XML, HTML and other languages will interoperate, not compete XML makes it theoretically possible to represent information differently Speech processing Braille writing
XML on the internet Internet infrastructure will remain the same, XML is added on top New applications RSS Metro (will compete with pdf, Microsoft standard)