France as a (re) emerging partner in the Pacific Nic Maclellan State of the Pacific conference 2014 SSGM, ANU, June 2014
“The integration of the French territories in the Pacific zone passes especially through an increase in military co-operation. We note with satisfaction that – now the nuclear irritants have disappeared – our Australian and New Zealand friends seem better able to understand our contribution to regional stability.” Senator Jeanny Lorgeoux (Senate overseas delegation and Senate defence, foreign affairs and armed forces delegation), French Senate, January 2013
“We very much appreciate France’s presence in the Pacific. France is a stable democratic power which has considerable assets in the Pacific.…We think for a whole lot of reasons that France is a positive influence in the region, the French collectivities in the Pacific are part of the family and we want to reflect that by our engagement with them.” Richard Marles, Parliamentary Secretary for Pacific affairs, Tahiti-Pacifique magazine, August 2012.
Agreement regarding Defence Co-operation and Strategic Partnership 2006 (in force 2009) Declaration of intention between Australia and France (on behalf of New Caledonia) over Coral Sea management, 10 March 2010 Partnership agreement between AusAID and AFD, July 2011 Joint statement of Strategic partnership, January 2012 Governor General visits New Caledonia, April 2012 Strategic dialogue with Lowy Institute, 2013 ASPI, Australia-France Defence and Industry Dialogue 2014
Funding to three Pacific collectivities (New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Wallis and Futuna) Agence française de développement (AFD) bilateral funding to PICs Member funding for CROP agencies (SPC/CPS; SPREP/PROE) Pacific Co-operation Fund France’s contribution to European Development Fund (EDF)
24 January 2011: Creation of Comité pour les Métaux Stratégiques (COMES) 10 June 2011: Comité interministériel de la Mer (CIMER) August 2011: First visit by Foreign Minister to NZ in 28 years for PIF 40 th anniversary 17 January 2013: seminar in French Parliament « La France dans le Pacifique : quelle vision pour le 21e siècle? » 3 December 2013: statement by the Prime Minister before the 9th Assises de l’économie maritime et du littoral of government policy on oceans and territories February 2014: Senate overseas delegation report on France’s Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs)
Source: Rapport d’information au nom de la délégation sénatoriale à l'outre-mer, sur la zone économique exclusive des outre-mer : quels enjeux ?, Senat, N° 430, Session ordinaire
“Our armed forces in the Pacific have the crucial role of protecting France’s interests – in particular to ensure the stability of the South Pacific.” Vice-Admiral Jean-Louis Vichot, former commander, Forces armées de Polynésie Française, 2013 “Australia can also use facilities and infrastructure in New Zealand and French New Caledonia to support our operations in the South Pacific.” Australian Defence Force Posture Review, 30 March 2012: para 8.9 :