THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: McCarthy and Leatherman, Performance Snapshots, Data: National Health Interview Survey (National Center for Health Statistics 2006). Percentage With No Usual Source of Health Care: Community-Dwelling Individuals by Age Group and Sex, 2005
THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: McCarthy and Leatherman, Performance Snapshots, Percentage With No Usual Source of Health Care: Community- Dwelling Individuals by Insurance and Poverty Status, 2003–2004 Insured continuously all 12 months Uninsured more than 12 months Data: National Health Interview Survey (National Center for Health Statistics 2006). Poor means income below the federal poverty level (FPL). Not poor means income 200 percent of FPL and above. (Near poor category omitted for clarity.) Rates for nonelderly adults were age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population. Uninsured up to 12 months
THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: McCarthy and Leatherman, Performance Snapshots, Percentage Who Received Cancer Screening: Community-Dwelling Adults With and Without a Usual Source of Health Care, 2000 Data: National Health Interview Survey (Swan, J. et al Cancer 98:1528–40). Colorectal cancer screening means a home blood stool test in the past year or a colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, or proctoscopy in the past five years.