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QEP Executive Task Force Co-Chairs Dr. Nico Schüler Dr. Beth Wuest Advising Ms. Jennifer Grant Ms. Kristi Rickman Mr. Brian Robinson Mentoring Dr. Brock Brown Dr. Laurie Fluker Dr. Paul Gowens Dr. Pamela Wuestenberg Student Support Ms. Jennifer Beck Mr. Terence Parker Mr. Curtis Schafer Students Mr. Christopher Covo Assessment Planning Dr. Gail Ryser Budget Development Dr. Ronald Brown Marketing Dr. Mary Ann Stutts
Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Personalized Academic and Career Exploration (PACE)
The Quality Enhancement Plan describes a carefully designed course of action that addresses a well-defined and focused topic or issues related to enhancing student learning. The Quality Enhancement Plan, 2007
P P ersonalized A A cademic and C C areer E E xploration
Goals To help freshmen clarify their career goals To assist freshmen in developing and implementing an educational plan
Initiatives PACE Center University Seminar College Faculty Liaisons Technology
Outline of Activities Constituents introduced to the QEP (fall 2007) QEP Topic Development Team -determined topic selection criteria (spring 2008) -narrowed topics to six (spring 2008) Leadership Team approved the topic (summer 2008) QEP Task Force -developed framework, including student learning outcomes (fall 2008) -identified key initiatives (spring 2009) -strategized actions (spring 2009) -finalized plan details (fall 2009)
Pervasive Practices Reviewed mission, values, and goals resulting from university’s strategic planning process Derived concepts from institutional data and best practices Requested input from entire university community Organized broad-based decision making groups -QEP Topic Development Team and QEP Task Force represented widest range of university stakeholders (including divisions, colleges, faculty, staff, undergraduates, graduate students, alumni, and City of San Marcos) Maintained open dialogue
Relationship to University Needs Supports the University Mission Texas State University-San Marcos is a public, student- centered, doctoral-granting institution dedicated to excellence in serving the educational needs of the diverse population of Texas and the world beyond. Supports the University’s Goal 3 Provide a premier student-centered, educational experience that fosters retention and success and is built on academic programs with clearly defined learning outcomes and a rigorous level of academic challenge. Supports documented need for educational and career planning
Goal I To help students clarify their career goals Outcomes and Actions 1.A. Students will assess their future career opportunities –Take career readiness inventory & write reflective piece –Research careers and related educational expectations 1.B Students will relate career requirements to their personal interests, abilities, and values –Analyze career options based on interests, abilities, & values –Explore qualities needed to be successful in a particular career through mentoring relationship and informational interviews –Develop professional presentation skills 1.C. Students will choose appropriate career pathways, based on continuous self-assessment and analysis of the work world –Chart a career pathway –Participate in experiential learning activities
Goal II To assist students in developing and implementing an educational plan Outcomes and Actions II.A. Students will select an academic program that is consistent with their interests, abilities, and career goals. –Analyze educational programs based on career assessment results –Define the most appropriate educational pathway based on their academic status, abilities, and interests II.B. Students will chart a sequence of courses for academic program completion. –Assess options and electives to enhance educational program based on their goals –Develop a sequence for taking courses to efficiently complete educational program II.C. Students will choose co-curricular opportunities to enhance their educational and career goals. –Be acquainted with and active in professional organizations –Be acquainted with and active in organizations which will develop qualities and skills applicable to their educational and career goals
Assuring Capacity Charted a feasible timeline for development, implementation, and assessment Developed an organizational structure -identified functions to be performed -determined reporting lines -drafted job descriptions for key roles Budgeted operational costs Acquired necessary facilities Gained commitment from Board of Regents
PACE Organizational Chart
PACE Center Undergraduate Academic Center
Development of Plan QEP Task Force developed plan over 2 years -QEP Task Force (43 member representation of divisions, colleges, faculty, staff, and students) -QEP Task Force Planning Groups (6 subgroups -- advising, mentoring, student support services, budget, assessment, and marketing) -QEP Executive Task Force (14 members representing all subgroups) QEP Task Force -developed framework, including student learning outcomes (fall 2008) -strategized actions (spring 2009) -determined timeline, organizational structure, budget, & assessment (summer 2009) -finalized plan details (fall 2009)
Implementation of Plan PACE Leadership provided by -PACE Administration, a new administrative group reporting to the Provost -PACE Council, a representative group providing guidance in achieving the PACE goals -PACE Assessment Committee, a subgroup overseeing assessment activities PACE organization identified for each action and initiative including functions to be performed and reporting lines Support from three divisions (Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Information Technology) essential to continued success of PACE
Assessing the Plan Assessments will be led by the PACE Assessment Coordinator and PACE Assessment Committee Each of the six student learning outcomes are assessed through multiple measures Assessments for each action provide specific data to instructors / service providers Assessment plan includes additional measures to ascertain overall effectiveness -Matriculation, persistence, satisfaction, and efficiency of progression
Assessments Data include - Formative and Summative -Direct and Indirect -Quantitative and Qualitative Details of assignments and instruments / rubrics to be developed simultaneously Assessment timeline allows for three full years of data collection prior to submission of Impact Report
Timeline for the Future Spring & Summer 2011 –Hire Dean and Assistant Dean –Pilot University Seminar units; portfolio software, and assessments –Establish PACE Council –Involve incoming freshmen with PACE Center advising –Appoint and develop College Faculty Liaisons Spring 2013 –Officially open new PACE Center
Intended Consequences Student success -- In developing and implementing their educational plan -- In clarifying their career goals Higher levels of satisfaction Efficiency of progression Increased graduation rates
Click here for QEP Video