Addresses without match with the address coordinates for Day and Night population Erik Sommer Statistics Denmark
Addresses without match with day and night population 2 Day- and night-time population Day time population tells us, where the population stays in the daytime (workplace, school etc.) Night time population tells us, where they are staying in the nighttime (residence).
Addresses without match with day and night population 3 Challenge We want to get the best possible match with the highest possible accuracy Our intension is to put x,y-coordinates on the addresses, where people are staying during day- and nighttime and these coordinates should be as geographical correct as possible
Addresses without match with day and night population 4 Topic: Nighttime Population Night time population is based on the place, where people are having their residence according to the CPR–population register. The population in Denmark : – persons –distributed on households
Addresses without match with day and night population 5 How to place these people(1) The CPR (Central Person Register) tells us the adress, but where do we get information about the geographical position? A good place to start could be in the Danish “Public Information Server” (OIS)
Addresses without match with day and night population 6 Data from OIS
Addresses without match with day and night population 7 Data Distribution – addresses at
Addresses without match with day and night population 8 How to place these people(2) Joining x,y-coordinates from OIS with addresses from CPR … and work out to which grid net cells, the addresses should be placed
Addresses without match with day and night population 9 Distribution Persons & Households 100 x 100 meter 1. January 2009 – Denmark (OIS)
Addresses without match with day and night population 10 No Match – Night Time PopulationNo Match – Night Time Population – Households – addresses (0,40%) Persons – inhabitants (0,59%) Households – addresses Persons – inhabitants
Addresses without match with day and night population 11 Minor difference – clarification Some addresses in one municipality (Hjørring) are without gridcell ID – however they are linked to the area 100m_no_cellid;1358(persons);683(households); 860(municipality);1. jan. 2009;Hjørring
Addresses without match with day and night population 12 Examples on residential addresses without coordinates and with no placement in a grid cell
Addresses without match with day and night population 13 A little bit of detectives work We will try to investigate whether these adresses exist Taking the adress “Baunegårdsvej 28” as an example
Addresses without match with day and night population 14 Is it possible to find ”Baunegårdsvej 28” on (Vis kort)? Adresse
Addresses without match with day and night population 15 Baunegårdsvej 26 on (Vis kort)
Addresses without match with day and night population 16 Baunegårdsvej 28 – phone numbers on
Addresses without match with day and night population 17 Baunegårdsvej 28 on
Addresses without match with day and night population 18 Baunegårdsvej 26 on
Addresses without match with day and night population 19 Baunegårdsvej 28 – map on
Addresses without match with day and night population 20 Match – Municipality Level – Night Time
Addresses without match with day and night population 21 Topic: Daytime Population Daytime Population is based on the place, where people are having their workplace according to CVR and RAS – business register. Could also include place of study. The daytime-population in Denmark : employed persons - distributed at work places
Addresses without match with day and night population 22 Distribution Daytime Population 250 x 250 meter 1. January 2007 – Denmark (OIS)
Addresses without match with day and night population 23 No Match – Day Time Population Employed persons (14,59%) Work Places (9,84%)
Addresses without match with day and night population 24 Distribution Daytime Population 250 x 250 meter 1. January 2007 – Denmark (OIS)
Addresses without match with day and night population 25 Match Daytime Population 250 x 250 meter 1. January 2007 – Denmark (OIS)
Addresses without match with day and night population 26 No Match Daytime Addresses No Match Daytime Addresses 1. January 2007 – Denmark (OIS)
Addresses without match with day and night population 27 Baunegårdsvej 7 on
Addresses without match with day and night population 28 Baunegårdsvej 7 on
Addresses without match with day and night population 29 Address Project – room for improvement Examples of initiatives focusing on improvement in addresses which can be used for better placement of daytime population: Major institutions. Shopping Centers. Business Parks
Addresses without match with day and night population 30 The End Source: