Specific time periods you need to know!
Farming spread from Southwest Asia to Southeastern Europe.
Located in Modern Greece and parts of Turkey, Albania, Macedonia, and Bulgaria Greece – formed separate communities called city-states. City – states – independent, but linked to others by Greek language and culture. Laid the foundation of European government and culture. Athens introduced western idea of Democracy (Direct Democracy) The Olympics, started out as one day, but then spread to 5 days of events. Art (sculpture and architecture), literature, drama, philosophy, and math are lasting legacies.
Located in most of Europe, Northern Africa, and the Middle East (at its height). Rome – Conquered an empire that spanned much of Europe, southwest Asia, and Africa. Developments in government (Representative democracy), law, and engineering influenced other cultures. Roads and bridges Aqueducts were also used – Their waterway system, indoor plumbing, running water, and sewer system.
Early Christianity was seen as a threat to the Roman way of life. Jesus was a man to them that threatened their security. Authorities did not think anything of it after his death until disciples and others (Paul) began spreading Christianity. Paul was a Roman citizen who persecuted Christians until his conversion. Next, Christian beliefs threatened Rome’s way of life because they refused to perform Caesar Worship.
At first there was massive persecution for hundreds of years. Christianity was growing even some government officials were Christians. Constantine was the 1 st emperor to convert to Christianity after seeing a vision and winning a battle. He then outlawed pagan rituals and built churches. The church became more and more powerful until it could control the rulers.
There are several reasons why Rome fell. What do you think some of those are? Eastern half – lasted until 1400’s and their religion was known as Eastern Orthodoxy.
Period between ancient and modern times. Feudalism – a system in which lords gave land to nobles in return for loyalty replaced civil governments. Roman Catholic Church preserved writing and knowledge Most people could not read or write
Jews – had cities and towns, made contributions, yet many Europeans considered them outsiders. Many settled in Eastern Europe where they formed their own culture. Islam – Belief in one God, and the preaching of Muhammad Culture developed in Spain
Disease that spread across Europe from Almost 100% mortality rate. Caused by fleas that were previously attached to rats. The bacteria in the rat blood, carried over in fleas to infect humans. 25,000,000 died. Almost wiped out all of Europe
Obsession with Death !
Attempts to Stop the Plague Flagellanti “Leeching”
People began to turn to the church, but some realized that they could do nothing. Many began to turn away from the church for the first time during the middle ages.
There were no real doctors. People did not know what caused diseases. Many times seeing a “doctor” would make you more sick. They might make you throw up or put leeches on you.
Crusades – series of brutal religious wars to gain back Palestine, the birthplace of Christianity from the Muslims (1095 – 1272). Many felt if they went on this crusade, they would automatically go to heaven. This was a charge from the Pope to take back the holy land from Muslims. Along the way, there were robberies, killing, and etc.
Renaissance – A 300 year period of discovery and learning (1300 – 1600) Advances in European Civilization Interest in ancient cultures of Rome and Greece Stressed the importance of people and their place in the world Led to scientific advances, literature, and sculptures.
Reformation (1517 – 1648) – religious movement that lessened the power of the Roman Catholic church. The Reformation of the 16th century was a movement within Western Christendom to purge the church of medieval abuses and to restore the doctrines and practices that the reformers believed conformed with the Bible and the New Testament model of the church. This led to a breach between the Roman Catholic Church and the reformers whose beliefs and practices came to be called Protestantism. soft.com/believe/txn/reformat.htm
Causes: The Renaissance: Raised the level of Education, Emphasized ancient classics, Emphasized thought, paid close attention to languages and texts. Invention of the Printing press Sales of Indulgences by the church Restlessness and dissatisfaction of the people (church could not offer them true spirituality because of their corruptiveness.) A new middle class that had more knowledge and education.
With the development of learning, many monks began to translate the bible into Germanic languages. On man in doing this, Martin Luther, found many things that he felt were the foundations of Christianity, but were not supported by the church. The main thing was selling of indulgences (Payment of forgiveness of sin to the priest.) He believed that salvation was a free gift to persons through the forgiveness of sins by God's grace alone and received by them through faith in Christ.
He nailed a 95 theses to the door of the Catholic church stating all of their wrong doings. He was excommunicated from the church, but was later backed by Frederick III and other German princes.
Obviously it separated the Catholic church and the new Protestant form of Christianity. People began to seek out God independently and read and interpret the Bible. Development of National churches. Ex) Henry VIII wanted to get divorced from his first wife, but the Catholic church would excommunicate him, so he started his own church (the Church of England.) Modern thought that is prevalent today.
Martin Luther – leader of the Reformation
Europe conquest to find new land and goods. Wanted to beat Chinese and Muslim empires Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, De Gama
What assumptions can be made from this map?
Ireland =Catholic. England finally took control over Ireland in the 16 th century. Land in the north was mainly settled by English and Scottish Protestants while land in the South was mainly Catholic, and here starts our problem. The North and the South grew further apart due to economic differences. The North was industrialized while the South was mainly agricultural, but most land was run by Protestants.
The fighting began because of who would control all of Ireland. Ireland wanted to be free from the United Kingdom, yet Northerners did not want to be in a country ruled by the majority of Catholics. Fighting broke out and eventually the United Kingdom gave Southern Ireland its freedom and Northern Ireland remained a part of Great Britain. Fighting started back up in the 60’s – 90’s by the IRA (Irish Republican Army). Mainly over religious beliefs. It did not end until around 2000.
“The Troubles” The so-called "troubles" began in 1968 when Catholics demanded equal voting rights from the Protestant controlled parliament. Demonstrations ensued. Later, the British army, originally brought in to keep the peace, became embroiled in the violence. More than 3,700 people have died since the conflict began.
Movement where educated Europeans emphasized the importance of reason and began to question traditions and values. Caused revolutions
People wanted a say in government, so they challenged the monarchs England, France, and others.
Began in England and rapidly spread to other countries Machinery, industrial cities, and transportation were all new. Industrial Capitalism – emerged here where business leaders used profits to expand companies Emerged a middle class
New Middle Class emerged Cities grew New way of making goods Faster consumption and development The rise of capitalism The introduction of farming as a commercial business ETC, ETC, ETC.
Social problems between factory workers and others led to this Philosophy that called for a society based on economic equality in which workers controlled factories and industries.
The Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assasinated by Serbian nationalist (Terrorist type group.) Series of Events Austria-Hungary gave Serbia an ultimatum or war. Serbia was friends with Russia, and Austria- Hungary was friends with Germany. Serbia took on war because they were friends with Russia.
War between European powers France, Russian Empire, British Empire, Italy, and the United States were the Allied Powers Germany, Austria-Hungary, The Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria First war to use tanks, mustard gas, and machine guns. Was the most gruesome war anyone had seen yet. Result – monarchies collapsed, several new countries in Central and Eastern Europe Versailles peace treaty – said the Germany was guilty and had to make Reparations. Reparations – payment for damages
The power of Germany was rising due to the leadership of Hitler. He had already taken over countries, but the League of Nation overlooked it. Hitler finally invaded Poland, and Britain and France declared war on Germany.
Extension of WWI, with most of the World involved. (Asia, Russia, Europe, North America, Africa, and Australia) Rise of Germany and Italy – dictatorships b/c of the Great Depression Holocaust – the mass killing of more than 6 million Jews and others by German Nazi leaders The use of airplanes and other new weapons. First war with Civilian causalities, not just soldier casualties.
Death of 6 million jews. The start of the nation of Israel. The United States and Russia (USSR) being the two superpowers. Massive civilian casualties. Formation of the United Nations Germany was divided up. Japan was in ruins. The first atomic bomb was dropped, establishing Nuclear power.
War after WWII Eastern Europe & Russia = Communist control Western Europe & U.S. = Democracy War of words and power between these two types of governments. Western Europe grew, while Eastern Europe lagged behind during this time. Germany split into two sides East & West
The USSR and the United States emerged as world powers after World War II. The United States was a democracy and favored capitalism. The USSR was a communist country with a command economy. After WWII, The USSR and the US were helping to rebuild Europe. The USSR promised to allow free elections in their part of Europe, but they did not.
The USSR began to slowly control most of Eastern Europe or influence their governments and even control them. As the USSR got more power, the United States became worried communism would take over. The war was on, and the United States would try and contain communism in other countries around the world, until the break up of the Soviet Union.
The USSR launches Sputnik the first satellite in space, but the US gets the first man on the moon. The Cuban Missile crisis. The Vietnam war through containment.
Eastern Countries pushed for independence Berlin Wall came down and Germany was reunited in Democracies emerged in Eastern Europe
Emerged from Western European countries Goal was a united Europe where goods, services, and workers could move freely Euro – EU’s currency started in 1999 15 members, but looking to add Eastern Europe.