The Academy of Pacesetting Districts Introducing...
Bell Ringer Activity The bell has rung and class is in session. To get you engaged with our topic for today, please consider the following question with your team (even if you are a team of 1): Share one successful thing you have done at the SEA level to help build capacity for continuous improvement at the LEA level. Share one continued challenge you face when attempting to build LEA capacity for continuous improvement. 2
A year long opportunity for high level leaders in an LEA to explore their current operations at the district and school levels in a systematic way in order to develop a more robust and effective approach to supporting school improvements related to growth in student learning What is the Academy of Pacesetting Districts? 3
SEAs indicate that their efforts to support change at the individual school level will never be able to reach all of the schools identified as needing improvement LEAs are in the best position to provide such support and are ultimately accountable for student learning results The Academy’s focus is on the development of LEA capacity to affect school improvement What Need Does The Academy Address? 4
Expected Outcomes District Academy Teams will formalize a system of support reflecting district level practices proven successful at promoting and supporting positive change at the school and classroom level Major work product of the Academy experience is an Operations Manual for a District System of Support 5
Background Academy of Pacesetting District’s Building Blocks 6
Indicators of Successful Practice Indicators are statements of practice derived from reviews of research found in the Handbook on Restructuring and Substantial School Improvement Indicators reflect practices at both the district and school levels Indicators are a helpful metric for assessing current operations and planning for improvement while considering best practices 7
Previous Applications of Indicators by CII Indistar ® : a web-based system to inform, coach, sustain, track and report improvement activities for the use of district and/or school improvement teams Patterns of Practice-A School Review Process: a systematic examination of school and classroom level practices through interviews, observations, focus groups, and document reviews looking for evidence of indicators associated with substantial school improvement 8
Background Capacity Building within the CII System of Support Model 9
Increases Willingness & Innovation Stimulate Action Increases Competence & Self-efficacy 10
Capacity Building Building local capacity to continuously improve is one responsibility of the SEA, depicted as a key “leg” of CII’s Statewide Systems of Support Model (Handbook on Statewide Systems of Support) This Academy has been designed to support SEAs in building LEA capacity to lead continuous improvement 11
Previous Capacity Building Efforts by CII work with Virginia’s SEA and ARCC to create an indicators-based program of webinars for a set of districts facing sanctions for underperformance 2009-present work with 15 SEA teams and the BIE participating in CII’s Academy of Pacesetting States focused on strengthening SEAs’ systems of support through continuous learning, networking, and mentoring by RCC staff 2009-present work with 9 States and the BIE with the Indistar ® Tool and Process 12
Academy of Pacesetting Districts What District Academy Teams Will Experience 13
District Team Kickoff Meeting District Academy Teams (identified by SEA) will receive an overview of the Academy experience and expectations for participation Teams will have time to meet members of other teams from across the State Teams will explore selected school-level indicators related to effective operations and practice, with a particular focus on school leadership Teams will be introduced to district-level indicators focused on how the district supports school improvement 14
Series of Three Distance Learning Sessions Indicator-based presentations on District Level Practices Presentations grouped into the following topical areas: DL 1:High Standards and Expectations; DL 2:Teaching & Learning, and Information for Decision Making; DL 3:Rapid Improvement Support; Each of the DL sessions will include time for self- assessment and general discussion Each of the DL sessions will have related readings and/or on-line viewing of actual practices or interviews with practitioners and researchers 15
Distance Learning Sessions will be developed by CII Sessions will be delivered by SEAs SEAs will have flexibility in how they deliver DL, and may include invited presenters as part of the sessions After each DL, District Academy Teams: Assess current level of Implementation Track Progress Connect to Operations Manual work 16
Monthly Working Sessions Each District Academy Team will spend a minimum of one day per month together for Academy purposes, including Distance Learning Sessions and the development of an Operations Manual for a System of Support 17
Monthly Mentoring SEAs will assign mentors to each District Academy Team who will communicate at least monthly with the team leader or the entire team regarding: The distance learning topics related to district practice The team’s design of the district operations manual Activities and issues related to the Academy experience 18
District Summative Meeting District Academy Teams will come together for a one-day meeting to reflect upon their experience in the Academy, and their year-long work Opportunity will be provided for feedback on Operations Manuals Content will focus on Action Planning to fully implement the District System of Support as outlined in the Operations Manual 19
Academy Partners: SEA SEA leads the Academy of Pacesetting Districts with support from the RCC and CII (as determined by the SEA) SEA has responsibility for such Academy elements as: (1)selection of districts, (2)planning and holding the kickoff meeting, (3)conducting the distance learning sessions, (4)providing mentoring services to the District Academy Teams, (5)conducting an evaluation of the Academy, & (6)providing general oversight and management 20
Academy Partners: CII & RCC CII has responsibility for training the SEA team overseeing the Academy, providing materials necessary for conducting the Academy, and standing ready to offer continuing support as the SEA or RCC may request (per the Memorandum of Agreement) RCC has responsibility for providing such assistance in the delivery of the Academy as the SEA may request (per the Memorandum of Agreement) 21
State Team Training CII will provide a 2 day training August 3-4 (location TBD) for SEA teams interested in providing the Academy of Pacesetting Districts SEA teams will leave the training ready to deliver the Academy of Pacesetting Districts in their state All Training, Curriculum, and Materials will be provided SEAs will cover the cost of their own Travel, Room, and Board 22
In Closing The ultimate goal in school improvement is for the people associated with the school to drive its continuous improvement for the sake of their own children and students. - Dr. Sam Redding 23
For More Information A sample Memorandum of Understanding regarding hosting an Academy of Pacesetting Districts in your State is available upon request Contact Dr. Lisa Kinnaman at the Center on Improvement and Innovation to express interest, and for more information: 24
Reflection Time With your team, brainstorm the following: One Possibility that might come from your participation in the Academy of Pacesetting Districts One Concern you might have regarding participation in the Academy One Burning Question you still have in relation to the Academy 25
26 Thank you for your interest in the Academy of Pacesetting Districts