U SING THE KINDLE T OUCH March September 2015
O VERVIEW We will: examine the device and discuss how it functions navigate within an eBook on the device discuss features available while reading an eBook discuss steps to take to checkout a Kindle Touch You will practice: using sleep mode, resetting the device selecting a book to read, going to the next page and the previous page, finding the table of contents, using the back arrow, closing a window changing the font size, looking up a word in the dictionary, turning text- to-speech on and off and adjusting volume You will be able to: assist clients in using the Kindle Touch to read 24 September 2015
M ENU B AR 24 September 2015
T EXT - TO -S PEECH 24 September 2015
T OOLBAR 24 September 2015 or…
DICTIONARY 24 September 2015
E XERCISES enter and exit sleep mode reset the device select a book to read go to the next page and then the previous page go to the table of contents change the font size turn Text-to-Speech on and adjust the volume turn Text-to-Speech off open and close the menu window use the dictionary to look up a brief definition of a word and then return to reading the book use the dictionary to look up the full definition of a word and then return to reading 24 September 2015
W HAT ’ S N EXT FOR V OLUNTEERS ? agree to the terms and conditions and sign Use Agreement delivery library card application and Use Agreement to the client and return the signed documents to receive the Library Card and to checkout a kit (if available). to reserve a kit, phone the Brentwood Library Mon-Thu: 10 – 8 Fri-Sat: 10 – 6 the checkout period is 3 weeks; arrange to return the kit on or before the due date. upon collecting the kit from the client, administer the survey and record the client’s responses online: complete the volunteer survey online, as well: links to the surveys and a version of this PowerPoint useful for teaching clients what you’ve just learned: 24 September 2015