1 What is the LSS WTIL PROCESS? The Wait Time in Line Lean Six Sigma (LSS) process is a full time, structured process where one SSA remains in the lobby at all times. 1.Lobby assistant proactively prevents wait time failures by eliminating bottlenecks in customer service. 2.PRIORITY #1 is MAKING SURE ALL CUSTOMERS ARE PREPARED BEFORE THEY REACH the POS COUNTER. 3.Organize types of transactions calling for additional assistance for pick ups, hold mail and passports. 4.RULE OF THUMB: Use the ‘ONE-IN-THE-LOBBY’ Method Capital Metro Area LSS WTIL operty/overview/index.html?propertyID=36 60
2 LEAN SIX SIGMA WAIT TIME IN LINE PROCESS CAN IMPROVE PERFORMANCE AND CUSTOMER SERVICE. HOW AND WHY? Traditional Situation … Test findings showed Customers are NOT prepared prior to reaching the SSA at retail counter Matching workforce to workload can result in reduced LDC 45 staffing by improving efficiencies Below Bottlenecks cause WTIL failures & interrupt flow: Customers not ready Which services to buy? Forms not completed Parcel not sealed properly Parcel pick-up / Hold Mail pick-up Rent a PO Box Passports Customer inquiries (ZIP Code lookup, etc…) Capital Metro Area LSS WTIL
3 ROOT CAUSES of WTIL FAILURES Lack of execution and planning in managing the Retail operation is the root cause of WTIL failure. SSA/s leaving the counter Management not monitoring lobby lines Alerting system not used Lobby Assistant too late to the lobby (REACTIVE - not PROACTIVE) One–in–the–Lobby Method not implemented No organization of transactions (stamps only, pick ups, passports, money orders, direct to APC) Back office & front office supervisors schedule conflict Lack of urgency Lack of flexibility Lack of coaching or corrective measures to improve productivity & efficiency Lunches and breaks not scheduled according to WOS Scheduler AVP WTIL Action Plans indicate Phase 1 & 2 LSS units do not understand the concept Capital Metro Area LSS WTIL
4 After LSS Implementation … PROACTIVE SSA lobby assistant expedited transactions POS SSA at counter applies postage and collects payment from customers The LSS WTIL Process has been proven to reduce wait time, improve customer satisfaction & encourage customer retention. Positive customer feedback received. Capital Metro Area LSS WTIL
5 Lobby Assistance effect on customer wait time Without a Lobby Assistant the average wait time is 6:21 (Mins:Secs) Unstructured Lobby Assistance the average wait time is 2:34 (Mins:Secs) Structured Lobby Assistance the average wait time is 1:40 (Mins:Secs) Lobby Assistance & Wait Time StructuredOld / unstructured 11% of the time 89% of the time
6 LSS WTIL PROCESS DO’s & DON’Ts for Lobby Assistant Supervisor must post Lobby Assistant schedule Lobby Assistants should be Sales & Service Associates (SSA) Use non-SSA for pickups to assist Lobby Assistant All SSAs trained on structured LSS program requirements All SSAs rotated daily on schedule to perform Lobby Assistant duties Lobby Assistant stays in the lobby (PROACTIVE Approach) SSAs should NOT leave the retail counter Lobby Assistants ask RCE questions / Mark package All supervisors are to be trained / Assist Lobby Assistant in lobby Front office (retail) and back office supervisors work together to prevent morning & end of tour failures. TEAM = Together we Achieve More! Capital Metro Area LSS WTIL
7 RED FLAGs indicating LSS WTIL process NOT implemented … PROCESS FAILURES: No Lobby Assistant schedule posted SSA at POS counter leaves their station for pickups, should call for help from back SSA Lobby Assistant NOT in lobby at all times SSA Lobby Assistant is late to lobby line (Don’t fall behind! Difficult to catch and failure occurs!) Lobby Assistant not organizing types of transactions (example: stamps only at Christmas & passports only) Lobby Assistant not directing credit/debit card users in line to APC Inadequate staffing of SSAs to cover window operations in morning, lunch & at close NOTE: Bottlenecks occur when Lobby Assistant leaves lobby for pick up/hold mail and additional customers arrive in line unprepared. Capital Metro Area LSS WTIL
8 General Guidance for Lobby Assistance 1.Always start with the first person in line, they have been waiting the longest 2.Always encourage APC use 3.The Lobby Assistant is responsible for asking the HAZMAT questions and for covering the mystery shopper script. Mark the packages of those customers you have covered, so that window personnel know not to repeat those questions 4.Sweep the whole line prior to going into the back office for “pick-ups” 5.If you sweep the whole line and no customers need “pick-ups”, then walk customers to the APC and show them how it is used 6.Clerks on the window should NOT leave their post for “pick-ups” while there is a Lobby Assistant on duty 7.During busy times; Lobby Assistant should call for a supervisor for “pick-ups” and stay in the lobby and continue to prepare customers for their transaction. (exit rate information will help you to know when this is appropriate) 8.Don’t fall behind A structured approach to Lobby Assistance Full time use of Lobby Assistance Capital Metro Area LSS WTIL
9 Control Plan Simple Guidelines Poster
10 LOBBY ASSISTANCE TRAINING THE LEAN SIX SIGMA WAY: 1.Prepare a BOX of supplies & forms. (Rates, fees, zone & APO/FPO restriction chart). 2.Demonstrate: LSS Designated Trainer demonstrates LSS Process to Employees. 3.GOAL: All customers MUST be prepared prior to reaching window. The POS SSA should ask the “additional product” question and tender payment! 4.District trainer has one SSA to Shadow him/her. Customers need assistance in making mailing decisions before reaching POS SSA. Trainer does not have to be aware of all rates, products/services but explaining the LSS process is key. 5.All SSAs trained in the LSS WTIL process. Needed to improve efficiency and flexibility. 6.Designated Trainer shadows SSAs Day 1. Note: SSAs have higher EXIT RATES because they are knowledgeable about rates & fees. Capital Metro Area LSS WTIL
11 Control Plan Keys to Success All Retail Clerks taught Lobby Assistance duties Renewed emphasis on customer preparedness through Lobby Assistance 1994 WOS scheduler posted specifies that a clerk is always assigned the duties Simple guidelines for Lobby Assistance SSAs do not leave window Lobby Assistant’s Tool BoxSchedule Designates a Lobby Assistant
12 Overall Keys to Success Make Customers a top priority! Very important to have District Manager, Manager, Post Office Operations, postmasters and supervisors all involved and working as a team. Weekly telecoms with Retail Postmasters and Managers, Post Office Operations who score below the target goal to identify root cause of the deficiency and develop strategies for success. Communications is the key to success. From the District Manager on down to the retail associates, expectations are clear and the support provided by the retail team help the field succeed is crucial. District MPOOs, Operational Staff and Marketing & Retail should be making ongoing visits to offices and more frequent visits for offices needing improvement on WTIL and RCE scores. Conduct weekly telecoms with Postmasters and POOM’s. Use action plans, failure reports, WOS data (WTIL) to communicate the importance. Use of the RDM “Product sales per retail unit” report to coach underperforming employees. Engage SSAs to find solutions to WTIL issues and continuous improvements. Capital Metro Area LSS WTIL