OCHIN Billing Workshop – Part I Learning Forum 2012
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax Charge Router Functionality Review and OCHIN Recommendations
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax What is the Charge Router? Charge Router is a module sitting between EpicCare and Billing. A powerful tool that can review, modify and distribute charges from multiple sources. Charges from source applications such as EpicCare Ambulatory, Interface, etc. Charges can be sent to Professional Billing, Hospital Billing or a 3 rd party billing system
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax What can the Charge Router do? Charge Router Review WQs – Catch chart errors more upstream than Charge Review and Claim Edit Review WQ – Hold charges until the whole encounter is completed and ready for billing Charge Handler Tasks – Data manipulation on the charges before they drop into billing (i.e. add/delete charges, add/delete modifiers, change procedure codes, add pricing contract, etc.)
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax OCHIN Recommendations We have set up the following charge handler tasks for some OCHIN members, which might be beneficial for others as well: MAR Visit Hold Setup Lab Visit Hold Setup Addendum Biller Review WQ Deletion of External Interface Lab Charges Immunization Administration Charge Coding Venipuncture Coding Modifiers Addition/Deletion
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax Work with your OCHIN Revenue Cycle analyst to request more information or to implement any recommended set up for your organization Questions?
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax Billing WQ Routing & Automatic Activities Functionality Review and OCHIN Recommendations
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax How are credits created & resolved? Created when a filed payment is: A recoupment, Left undistributed, or Larger than the charge it’s matched to Completed and removed from the Credit WQs when the balance is zero.
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax How are follow-up records created & resolved? Follow-up = charge + coverage Created when claim run is accepted. Completed & removed when insurance balance = $0
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax Organizing credit and follow-up records: Routing Setup Time-based – Deferral tabs in credit and follow-up WQs – Credit deferral WQs Rule-based – Self-pay vs. insurance credits – Payment types (co-pay, pre-payments) – Payor types – Many other options
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax Resolving credit & follow-up records: Automatic Activities Available per WQ or for entire SA Can automatically perform: – Transfer to another WQ – Create an account note – Create an account letter – Send to System Deferred tab of a WQ – Perform auto-write offs, payment matching, and transfers
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax Automatic Activities: Credit Auto Debit Off Small Balance Auto Transfer Self-Pay Balance to Insurance Auto to Oldest Outstanding Charge Over-posted Payments Auto-debit
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax Automatic Activities: Follow-up Define rules that automatically perform actions based on time elapsed: Defer Write-off Resubmit claims Perform an Next Responsible Party (NRP) Change account status
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax Next steps Review your current credit and follow-up WQ workflows and needs Log a JIRA and meet with your Revenue Cycle Member Services analyst to discuss build requirements
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax Remittance Code Mapping Functionality Review and OCHIN Recommendations
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax Mapping of ANSI Codes Why is this important? Electronic files will not load correctly if an EOB/Remit code is not currently in the system and/or mapped. How does a user know if this is the case? Typically the Remittance is in a “Created” status. Please enter a JIRA and an analyst will be able to determine if this is the case. They may request your assistance to determine what ANSI code it should be mapped to, if non-HIPAA standard code.
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax Mapping in Epic Actions Taken: 1-Not Allowed Adjustment 2-Transfer to Self-Pay 3-Next Responsible Party 6-Write Off Insurance 9-Denied 14-Research Consider: Review your Claims Research Follow- Up WQ. If there is a pattern of EOB codes that fall into that queue that do not need manual intervention, consider changing the mapping. When in doubt….send to Research for Biller review.
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax Override Action/Assign Adjustment Code The Action and Adjustment codes can be different depending on the Payor. For example: The first screenshot can handle most if not all of your Commercial Payors, but maybe for your Family Planning Coverages/Payors you want a specific adjustment code stating “Family Planning Adj”.
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax NAA Vs. Write-Off Difference between the action of 1-NAA and 6-Write Off Insurance Benefits of using 1 instead of 6 (streamline of manual payment posting)
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax Other Recommendations Remit files incoming with payor status of 4- Denial are mapped with action of 9-Denied If CO45 is sent by payor with full charge amount, override action of write-off/NAA and send to Research for biller review Identify patterns by code, by payor – Can map different actions at remittance code level by SA and payor lists
1881 SW Naito Parkway Portland OR Phone Fax Questions?