Our Challenge GT Aware Home Research Center A true home lab, built as two separate homes within a house A place for evaluating home-based research prototypes A Living Lab between the laboratory and the field trial Difficult to show off 10+ years of research content to highlight Often in transition Located in a residential area, just off campus Limited parking and too far to walk quickly Demos for visitors are a challenge
Video Conferencing Is Still Lame! Too many limitations Flat, 2D experience No way for the viewer to control what they are seeing Still not conducive to casual interaction Want a more personal, interactive experience Ability to “look around” the room Easy access to related content Collaborative control
Magic Window Highlights Head tracking, gesture interface Allows natural body movement to control what the user sees Head tracking to adjust focus and field of view Hand gestures for navigating related content Rich video Panoramic image that supports movement through the space Augmentations to enhance the information conveyed Asynchronous access to Rich Interactive Media Browse graphs and images Watch videos, including steerable panoramas Interact with 3D models
Magic Window Technologies Affordable, standards-based components 2K HD Pointgrey camera with Fujinon Fisheye lens Kinect for gesture interface HTML5 Web-based platform, WebRTC streaming WebGL for de-warping and augmentation Software Defined Networking Network APIs exposed to the application Used to control network operations and dynamic content enhancements and optimizations FloodLight controller, NEC and HP OpenFlow switches
Georgia Tech Installation
GENI Demonstration
Benefits of GENI Magic Window Challenges High bandwidth video – 2K HD today, 4K planned Client cannot do all of the augmentation processing Need to push processing into the network, close to the data GENI Features Leveraged Slice-able network and service allocation Experiment with processing “in the core” Ongoing Experiments and Extensions Multi-stream, multi-source content Video analytics Move control farther upstream
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Magic Window Demo Team GT Brian Davidson, Saurabh Sabnis, Jeff Wilson Lan Wang, Haozhe Li, Chris Hoffecker Maribeth Gandy Coleman, Bobby Strickland Siva Jayaraman, Matt Sanders, Russ Clark GPO Niky Riga and Tim Upthegrove