90 Days with Noni: A Healthier You Jody Whipple Registered Dietitian/Certified Diabetes Educator TNI Nutrition Advisory Board Member ILC, 2010 – Anaheim, CA
You’ve Come to the Right Place!
People experience enhanced immunity, energy, endurance, heart health, and joint support when Noni is consumed every day.
“Let food be thy medicine, and let thy medicine be food”~ Hippocrates
Food Plants Think Rainbow!
Think Noni!
Bioactive Beverage
The primary bioactives in noni are called iridoids
Published bioactivities of iridoids Antioxidants Healthy Joints Boosts Immune System Healthy Cardiovascular System DNA Protection Increases Energy Etc.
The iridoids of Tahitian Noni ® Original Bioactive Beverage retain potency after processing, pasteurization and storage
DIABETES, CANCER AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE Cultures with diets rich in plant foods suffer fewer illnesses including:
> 60 % OF CHRONIC DISEASE Yet, in Western cultures, poor lifestyle choices, like diet and physical inactivity, are responsible for:
Fiber and Weight Management
Increased fiber can help individuals reduce intake at each meal Promotes feelings of fullness and increased satiety Lower in calories, fat and added sugars Less “energy dense”
In studies > 6 months, weight loss was 3 times greater in people eating low-fat, high fiber diets than those eating low-fat only When 14 grams of fiber added to otherwise unrestricted diet, participants consumed 10% fewer calories – 4.2 lb weight loss in 4 months (>12 lbs per year) Nutr Rev 2001 Aug:59(8 Pt 1): Nutr Rev 2001 May:59(5):
Fiber and Heart Disease
– Each additional 10 gms fiber cuts CHD risk by 27 % (Arc Intern. Med Feb 23:164(4): – Lowers cholesterol – Psyllium fiber: FDA authorized claim that “Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 7 gms of soluble fiber per day from psyllium husk may reduce the risk of heart disease” – Increased fiber associated with decreased C- Reactive Protein (CRP)
Fiber and Diabetes
Refined carbohydrates linked to Type 2 Diabetes in America Blood sugar rises slowly with higher fiber intake Improves glycemic control along with reduction in blood pressure and triglyceride levels High fiber diets (50 gm/day) can negate need for Diabetes medication (NEJM May 11:342(19): )
Fiber and Digestion
Promotes regularity Prevents constipation Prevents diverticulitis Increased dietary fiber may reduce risk of colon cancer (Lancet 2003 May(3)361:
Protein and Weight Management
Most satiating macronutrient Helps maintain lean body mass in lieu of weight loss Protects bone during weight loss J Nutr Mar; 134(3):
Protein and Bone
About 1/3 of bone mass is made up of protein Protein essential for maintaining bone growth Plant and animal protein attenuate bone mineral density Isoflavones in soy protein retard bone loss almost as effectively as estrogen and decrease calcium excretion (Jrnl Renal Nutr 2000(10)2:63-68
Calcium and Health Benefits
Protects against bone loss Promotes weight and fat loss by binding to fat in intestines – dietary and supplemental Obes Res 2004;12(4):582 Urol Onc 2003 Sept-Oct;21(5):
Commit to 90 days to a Healthier You Start with healthier food choices Implement a regular exercise program Supplement with products which support health and wellness
Set Achievable and Realistic Goals Visualize your goal and see it happening Develop goals in small, measurable steps Physically construct a timeline
Write Them Down Creates Awareness Food and Activity Journaling
Tell Someone! Form a supportive network Find a partner with similar goals Ask for help (with motivation, workouts, childcare, etc.)
Give Yourself Permission to be Human “Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional” ~ author unknown Don’t deprive yourself Listen to your body’s cues of hunger and fullness
“ You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind” ~ author unknown Modern Version – JUST DO IT