Presentation Durban, Cities Alliance Swedish development cooperation policy zGovernment Policy for Global Development, coherence between political, trade and development agenda zGoal = “Contribute to the conditions that help poor people improve their lining conditions”, z2 perspectives, Rights perspective and perspective of the poor
Presentation Durban, Cities Alliance Sida, new development z8 main features - Democracy- Human Rights - Equality- Sustainable use of NR - Economic growth- Social development - Conflict resolution- Global public goods zFocus on the poorest countries z1 % of GDP, 2006 (?!) = 4 billion USD zDonor harmonisation zMerging bilateral/multilateral aid
Presentation Durban, Cities Alliance Sida, new development zCountry strategy, based upon PRSP, starting point zUntying aid zInvolve more Swedish actors in international relations (Gov Agencies, universities, private sector, municipalities, NGOs) zPriorities HIV/Aids- Gender equality - Conflict resolution - Job creation - Anti-corruption - Human Rights
Presentation Durban, Cities Alliance Sida, Division for Urban Division and Environment zPart of Sida HQ Department for Infrastructure and Economic Cooperation, node of network for officers in some 40 Embassies z20 people, engineers, architects, economists, environmentalists zActive in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Central America,
Presentation Durban, Cities Alliance Urban Development Menu, support to... zDecentralisation and good urban governance zCity-wide urban development strategies zIntegrated slum-upgrading zLow-income housing zLocal Economic Development zNew financial frameworks zLand reforms for secure tenure zCultural heritage
Presentation Durban, Cities Alliance Urban environment menu, support to…. zWater and Sanitation zReform of service utilities zWaste Management zUrban transport zAir pollution zAgenda 21
Presentation Durban, Cities Alliance Financial frameworks zMicro-credit facilities zRevolving funds - link to local savings and capital markets zMunicipal finance - bankability of local authorities - greater financial autonomy - local government resources (user charges, taxation and transfers) - good financial management practices to build creditworthiness - access to financial market
Presentation Durban, Cities Alliance Financial instruments zGrants zConcessionary credits zDevelopment credits zGuarantees
Presentation Durban, Cities Alliance Country focus zAfrica - South Africa - Zambia - Kenya - Tanzania - Uganda - Ethiopia zLatin America - Nicaragua - Honduras - Guatemala zAsia - India - Bangladesh - Sri Lanka - Nepal China - Indonesia, - Phillipines zEurope - Russia - Ukraine - Balkans - Central Asia
Presentation Durban, Cities Alliance